Since we moved here over 3 years ago, my hubby has diligently set out tomato plants and we have managed to enjoy a few each year, not a huge harvest, but several tomatoes of our own. I got really spoiled growing up, since my dad is a major farmer and has grown tomatoes since I was a little girl. Many years of fresh home-grown tomatoes. If you have never tasted a home grown tomato, you are missing out on something special in life, I promise you. I’ve been waiting patiently this year for the tomatoes to start ripening, looking for that red to start appearing, which means something BIG around our house. Can you guess what that is?
A fresh home-grown tomato sandwich! Oh man, do I love those or what?
I’m so proud of Peter. He has hung in there with the tomatoes and this year they are looking better than ever. I think the soil had to get better conditioned, but now 3 years into our gardening, his tomato plants are huge and full of tomato clusters. Just like my daddy grows!
Not stopping at tomatoes, though…my hubby even bought some fencing and added pole beans to our front yard (insert eye rolling here). I had to laugh. I’m sure the neighbors think we are some kind of Jed Clampett neighbors, but that’s OK. When we are eating fresh beans soon, we’ll be the ones chuckling to ourselves. I do have plans for some landscaping in this area eventually (it’s in dire need of it), but in the meantime, pole beans it is. 🙂 He’s also got some squash and cantaloupes planted in the backyard.
Not to mention the blueberries I told you about in the front yard. These 6 plants are doing great and we’ll even have some ripe blueberries shortly to enjoy, as all of them have several clusters of fruit already.
The blackberries are just getting started in the back, but we hope to get these trained and maybe by next year, we’ll have some fruit like Petals from the Past features. The most amazing blackberries you’ve ever seen, which I told you about here last year.
There’s my resident farmer now, petting the next door neighbor’s dog.
So, back to the tomatoes. They are getting ripe now and we’ve eaten our first tomatoes of the year. And I’ll tell ya this, it’s SO great to go outside and pick a tomato and slice it up for dinner.
And the time came for that first tomato sandwich of the summer just this week. Loved it!! You can bet I eat a bunch of these every year. So, do ya’ll love tomato sandwiches too or is that just a Southern thing? I can just about bet that those of you raised in the South know all about them. 🙂
Had to try out my vintage plate with a ‘mater sandwich and some chips.
Ain’t nothin’ better, my friends!
Joining Jen today for Tasty Tuesday.
I'm completely jealous! I checked my tomato plants and I'm just starting to see green tomatoes. It will be a while before I get to enjoy my favorite: Bacon & Tomato Sandwiches! That's it – I'm heading to the farmer's market!
Wow! I'm impressed. My tomatoes are being eaten by birds before I can get to them.
OMGosh! I am weeks away from my first matter! But I got a very late start. But I am eagerly waiting for my tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, squash and peppers to come in.
Nothing beat home grown!!!
Hi Rhoda,
Long time no see!
Missed your blog. I know you are as busy as I am. I can hardly keep up right now. Anyway just checking up on your blog. Love tomatoes! Yes we do that in California as well. Although I love a caprese salad.
Enjoyed your thrifty finds as well.
Come visit me sometime.
Hi again Rhoda–
Okay, no more bologna for you. But you have to admit: if you're gonna eat baloney, you need white bread. I don't keep bologna around the house either, but I do have good memories of stopping at a little country store and having the storekeeper cut off a nice slab of bologna from the "chub." Did you ever do that?
BTW, do you ever get bread from Big Sky in Mt. Brook Village? It's owned by our old neighbors in B'ham, Jeff and Patty Pierce. Nicest folks you'd ever want to meet. Of course, B'ham folks are almost all nice. Reading your blog always reminds me of that!
that settles it, i am going to have some tomatoes right now! yours look to die for, yum…
Oh Boy Rhoda! You just got my taste buds going… I am originally from NJ and there is nothing like a Jersey Tomato summer sandwich. Sorry .. Im in Florida now and they just ain't the same!!!
2nd comment of the day…
Left you an award over at my blog. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂
You are so right, 'nuthin' bettr':)
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
Yum, tomato sandwiches of one of the best things about summer.
We love tomato sandwiches down here! (I'm from Alabama too, just much further south). I just planted some grape tomatoes a couple weeks ago, so for now I get all of my fresh produce from my mom's huge organic garden & the local farmer's market.
Oh how I miss my very own beefsteak tomatoes fresh from the garden, still warm from the sun!!
Are you a Hellman's gal, a Miracle Whip lover, or just using butter on the sandwich? – – HollyM
I have three tomato plants. They have done well so far. Two of them will have to be replaced. We got so much rain the poor plants have rotted. But, we did get quite a few tomatoes from them. I hope to plant another veggie next year.
my mom's family is from southern ohio (portsmouth, ironton, south point area). that tomato sandwich is somthing they all talk about eating in the summer time. except they would but butter on theirs. meat was something they only had on sundays after church & then the leftovers always went into a soup with tons of veggies. come tues/wed it was veggies, fruit & bread the rest of the week. occasionally they would have cheese if they ordered extra milk that week from the "milk man" which was the local farmer. oh to live a more simple, yet more rewarding life.
I'm in TN so of course "ain't nuttin like a mater sammich". My dh doesn't like them though.Doesn't like tomatoes period.Yes he was born and raised here but not raised right,lol.
My other favorite is fried green tomatoes!!!!! With some pinto's and cornbread,mmmmhmmm.Who needs meat?
I don't know what it is,prolly a grandma's touch but still to this day my meemaw grows the best tomatoes.She grows early boys and girls.
There is nothing better than a tomato sandwich, lots of pepper, and real mayo (not salad dressing) on white bread! My favorite summer lunch!
Who knew that talking about mater sandwiches would elicit such a strong response from all you girls. I love it!
Holly, to answer your question. I'm a mayo girl, actually I use light mayo (no Miracle Whip, can't stand the stuff). I don't have a strong preference on brand, but usually get Hellmans or Kraft, whichever I find on sale. No butter on mater sandwiches for me either! No way!
I love,love,love blackberries Rhoda! favorite berry. I bet there is no comparison to homegrown …I have to get mine from the grocery store as I don't think they are grown here in Canada. I want to thank you for hosting thrifty mondays. I am enjoying meeting so many new bloggers and seeing what treasures everyone is finding.
MMMM…nobody does fried green tomatoes like the south! I live in CA and can't find anything like that I experienced when I ate down south. =)
I live up north and we love tomato sandwiches…(light) Hellmans, salt and pepper! mmm! But our tomatoes are just flowers right now, so I am jealous! We have to wait 'til late July and August-unless you want to ship some on up!