Our neighborhood Halloween festival was a smashing success. As I told you, I’ve volunteered to be the Social activities person in our neighborhood, so I took on the job of organizing a Halloween festival this year. We haven’t done anything in the last couple of years, so I think folks were ready to have some fun & get out with the neighbors. Some of you remember that I tried to do a dessert social back in the spring with my immediate neighbors that didn’t go so well, but this neighborhood-wide event was well received. One of the adults pulled this trailer loaded with hay & children. They were having a ball! The guy with the afro wig in front is my neighbor, Grant, who helps me garden & you may remember from my newspaper article back in the spring.
I called the local fire chief and asked him to bring out the big truck for our parade & they were happy to do so. They led a little parade down the street into a cul-de-sac, where we all gathered for pizza and dessert. This is a little Wonder Woman riding in her daddy’s corvette.
This lady was watching the parade from her driveway & her 2 sweet dogs were enjoying themselves too. I had to take a pic of the dachsund with the witch’s hat.
We lined them all up for a costume contest. It was hard to get them all still enough to take a pic.
And we decided that this little guy was the winner of a $20 bill. Look at his face…priceless! He was a robot & just as cute as can be, right down to the tin foil on his shoes. He had a muffin tin on the backside.
So, it was a fun afternoon in the neighborhood. I think everyone enjoyed themselves!
And on to other news: We officially have a lawyer in the family! My niece, Lauren, passed the Georgia bar exam last week with flying colors. Can you say proud! We are all so happy for her and so very proud of all her efforts in getting that law degree. She’s a smart gal and will do very well with her career.
Four years ago, Lauren & I went on a cruise together. Just the 2 of us. We had such a great time and I will treasure that trip forever. We made sure the photographer took lots of pics of us so we’d have a lot to choose from at the end of the week. He did take a lot & we ended up buying all of them. Those ship photographers really do take some nice shots. This was one of them.
Happy Halloween & don’t let the goblins get you! We’ll be passing out candy tonight to all the trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood. Have fun, ya’ll.
Congratulations to your neice! The neighbourhood party looks like a smashing success! Happy Halloween!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Hi Rhoda. The carnival looks like it was a load of fun. Congrats on your neice’s passing the bar. Diane
Your neighborhood sounds like such fun. I wish we had something like that around here. We’re so boring and reclusive. I hate it. Can I come live with you??
Congratulations to your niece for passing the bar! Quite an accomplishment. You should be so proud!
Hi Rhoda! It sounds like a blast in your neighborhood yesterday! I’m glad you took on the role as “social chair” person – ha ha. Your weather is so much milder than ours!
Your niece is lucky to have an auntie like you! I have an aunt that I am very very close to in St. Louis, and she is one of my biggest Balcony Girls in my life 🙂
Happy Nov. 1!
Sounds like a fun neighborhood party! That little robot is priceless. 🙂 Congrats to Lauren — bar exams are crazy hard. Beautiful picture of the two of you!
Goodness, so much to comment on! Congrats to your daughter. You look just lovely in that photo. The robot boy was SO cute (my son will be so jealous when he sees it). AND, congrats on your festival! Whew! ~A 🙂
Two very lovely ladies in the cruise ship photo. Congratulations to Lauren on passing the bar.
Oh, honey – you are making run for my makeup bag here in the Northwest- you southern ladies are beautiful!!!!!
The kids all look so cute! And congrats to Lauren. You both look great.
Oh Rhoda your Halloween Festival looks like it was just wonderful! Your neighborhood is SO lucky that you chose it for your new B’ham home! How fun! And congrats to your beautiful AND smart niece, Lauren! What an accomplishment! Your cruise together must have been so special.. I’m sure she feels the same way!
Congrats to Lauren! It probably doesn’t seem like the time flew by to her like it does to us who have been watching along with her.
Your Halloween Festival looks like it was so much fun and a great success. I’m sure they all appreciated all your hard work.
I just love neighborhood gatherings like that. I’m so glad yours was a success.
Congrats to your niece!
Rhoda- what a wonderful way to get a neighborhood together! The parade was adorable and I love the little robot winner!
Congrats to Lauren! That picture shows the beauty in both of you!
Oh Rhoda, I know you must be so doggone proud of Lauren…wow y’all look beautiful on that cruise ship. She is a blessed girl to have an awesome Aunt like you, Rhoda! Love ya -V
Rhoda, You are just amazing! I bet everyone is thrilled to have you as a neighbor. Your Halloween festivities look like SO much fun! I’m inspired to do the same next year. We’re moving in next week, so I’ve got time to organize. Thanks for sharing!
Lauren, I am SOOOOO proud of you!
For those of you who don’t know, I am Lauren’s second cousin (probably once removed), and although there is a generation’s age difference and a 600 mile distance between us, we have always had a special friendship over the years. Up ’til now, I think I had achieved the highest level of education in the family with a master’s degree, but now Lauren has passed us all up, and I couldn’t be any prouder.