Hope you are all having a smashing 4th of July, enjoying some family and friends time, with good food topped off by fireworks. I’ve been hanging at the pool with my friend, Debbie, this weekend and plan to see some fireworks tonight at my church’s 4th of July patriotic celebration.
This week might be light, since so many people are probably traveling, but we’ll go ahead and celebrate those thrifty treasures anyway. I found a few that I wanted to highlight from last week.
Kim at Savvy Southern Style, is collecting paint by number paintings and found this one for less than $10. Oh my, this brings back fond memories. I can SO remember buying these paint kits and loved trying my hand at original art. 🙂 So, they weren’t masterpieces, but boy were they entertaining to my 10 year old self. I remember painting horses and dogs too. What fun, Kim!
A Big Story is saving the world’s globes one orb at a time and found a few to add to her collection. Love these, globes are one of my faves too.
Homemaker on a Dime found this dresser at her local Goodwill for $18 and showed the before and afters of its transformation. Of course, this is the beautiful After! Love it!
All About Vignettes found this old factory cart for about $100, which is really a great price for something like this. After lime washing, it is now in her living room, which is SO pretty!
My friend, Jen over in Alabama at My Southern Table picked up some vintage Fireking Jadite dishes, all for $30 which she mixed with her other white dishes for a fresh tablescape. Love these, Jen! Jadite is highly collectible.
My Salvaged Treasures scored some pretty vintage linens for a song.
What’s prettier than an old trophy filled with fresh flowers? Not much, as Free Stylin‘ found out!
Don’t forget! Next weekend, July 9th, we’re having an I Love Thrifting party, with Mr. Goodwill Hunting. I’ll be hosting a group here on my side of town and many of you said you would be there. I’m SO excited to meet you all!! We’ll meet up at 9 a.m. at the Woodstock Goodwill at Hwy. 92 and I-575 and we’ve got several stops lined up . See you then!
If you want to get in on the fun in another city, click over to Mr. Goodwill Hunting to see where all the parties will be held. There’s a bunch of cities participating!
And, Rashon is starting a series called “How Thrifting has Changed my Life”, and I’m featured over there today. Hop on over and read all about it! Thrifting really HAS changed my life! 🙂
There are a TON of parties out there to highlight all your projects, so please let’s keep this one about thrifty finds that were bought 2nd hand! Not a great sale from the store, but 2nd Hand finds only!
- Add your permalink to the link list, which is the actual post that you did for this party, NOT your general blog url. To get the actual post, after you publish the post, just click on the title and THAT will be your party post url. PLEASE try to get the correct url in the first time!
- Please add my button to your post or blog OR at least link back to this post in your post. That’s all I ask. It’s common courtesy to link back to the person having the party, so that all of your readers can find it too.
- Please do NOT link to an Etsy shop or something similar (even if you think it’s a fabulous deal) or I will delete the link. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from yardsales, thriftstores, or something along those lines. If I see that your post is not really on track with this theme AND you don’t link back, I’ll delete your link. Sorry, but I’d like to keep the party consistent! IF YOU SEE THAT YOUR LINK HAS BEEN DELETED, IT IS PROBABLY BECAUSE IT IS NOT IN LINE WITH THIS PARTY THEME.
Hey Rhoda…great party…happy to be joining this week!
Janet xox