With each Mother’s Day, the girls always gather for a yearly pic with my mom and it’s something we treasure every year. We don’t want to forget these times and days together, for they will not last forever.
(me, mom, Lauren, Renee)
Lauren cooked her dad’s side of the family, delish Italian porkchop spaghetti (no, she won’t let me share the recipe) and it was a wonderful day with family.
It was a coolish afternoon on the porch, but the sunshine was glorious and we enjoyed our family time so much. I know you all love to see pics of my parents, so wanted to share our day with you. Lauren was home for a few days and that’s always a treat for us.
Our yearly girl’s photo shoot was completed in Renee and Bruce’s beautiful backyard.
They’ve been doing some work back here this year and it’s looking better than ever. They even had a wedding out here a few weeks ago.  Here’s the Mother’s Day post from 2009 that shows all of the backyard too. It’s a paradise back there!
I hope you all had a wonderful day too. I don’t take it for granted, these days with my parents. I know anything can happen from year to year, once they get to this age. We love them dearly and hope for many more years to come!
Hi Rhoda! What a lovely post and a family of beautiful ladies! Cherish your sweet little mother, as I know you do. Mine will be 90 next month and she’s having some difficulty and we’re wondering if she is going to be able to live in her little retirement apartment for much longer. The older my mother gets, I’m becoming the mother! 😉
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
Hi Rhoda, thanks for sharing your beautiful Mother’s Day pics. They are precious and you are so right, things can change so quickly with out parents. This is my first Mother’s Day without my Mom and I missed her more than I thought I might. I know she is with the Lord, but really just missed be?ing able to tell her I love her and give her a hug. Hug your Mom for me. So happy for you and happier days in your life. Storms can make the good days shine so much brighter, can’t they? Blessings, Linda
I love the photo with your mom and sisters. I never had a sister..and my mom has been gone for years…so i just enjoyed seeing your family together.
What beautiful pictures!
So sweet! Thanks for sharing.
You have a beautiful family but I am puzzled by the picture…..do you have a cigarette in your hand?
Ha, Lynn! I noticed that too, it’s the sun shining on my pants. Believe me, I do NOT smoke!!
That’s funny, I thought the same thing, but I knew better than that. I love your mama’s smile.
I thought the same thing. Glad you cleared that up!
That first picture is just beautiful. So nice to see your family pictures.
Hi Rhoda, You are so wise to cherish these wonderful days with your parents!
It is always good to see pictures of the wonderful ladies in your family. What a legacy! Yes, enjoy every minute that you have with them. Beautiful, Godly ladies.
Your family is just beautiful, and YES ! We do LOVE to see photo’s of your sweet Mom and Daddy…..My heart is so happy to hear you say how much you treasure them – you are so right….we should treasure every single moment with them. After my parents left us just 4 months apart, even though we spent so much time together, now I wish I spent more time, listened more, asked more questions…..God Bless your lovely family.
Rhoda, that cracked me up about the comment Lynn made about the cigarette! I thought for a second that it did look that way, but I think it was a crease in your pants or just the lighting. Even if somebody did smoke, I don’t think they would have a family pic made with one in their hand…unless you’re a redneck ;D Beautiful group of women!