We have been busy at the house. Mom and Dad took a break last week and went to the mountains for a few days. Not really a rest, a break from working on the house. They have a full garden at their NC mountain house that they take care of every year. Yes, they are amazing!
Before they left, Dad worked on trimming out some of the windows that needed some help. Whoever trimmed out those windows sure didn’t know what they were doing, so we are helping them along and making them look better. All the windows in the house will not match, but they will look fine once they are all painted out white. White, the color that unites. They will still be quite rustic, but I can live with that as long as they are white.
Me, I’ve been caulking. And caulking. And caulking. Takes a long time to do that, but it will make a big difference in the painting process.
The kitchen windows got an additional trim-out on the inside and they look great. Did you know you can use baseboard molding inside a window too? Yep, be creative with that molding, you can mix it all up. Might not be the proper way to use it, but it works for me. It hid all those ugly boards and made this window so much better. That was my idea!
Here’s a reminder of what they looked like before…..
And now! So much better. Again, when they are painted white, they will be loverly.
In the living room, I wanted to get those ready for the painting party on Saturday. See that big gap there?
I caulked all those big ole’ gaps and they will look better painted out too.
There are 4 huge windows in here. All the carpet is up in the whole house now.
Down the stairs. That carpet downstairs will stay, since it is brand new.
Dad worked on trimming out that middle window, which was naked of trim.
And this room across the hall, which will be my new office, had no trim on the window. It was just boxed in with sheetrock. So, dad worked his magic on this one too.
And now it looks like this. He added a little windowsill in here and I can set some plants there. Love that!
The masterbedroom with no carpet. Yippee!
Look how grody these grates are! Yikes, aren’t they bad? I know, I could go out and buy all new ones, but I think I’ll DIY these. We are going to take them all down, scrub them down and get all the dirt off, spray them with spray primer and then give them a nice coat of Rustoleum Heirloom White. They will look brand new when I’m finished with them. Rustoleum was nice enough to send me some prime and spray paint. I’ll show you all of that when I get to it.
It’s so hard not to jump ahead to the pretty stuff. Like paint! I love paint. Looking at paint chips gets me excited. You too?!
That color on the right, Sand Beach, was one of the colors in the HGTV Green Home and it is a beautiful color, but I think I’m going with Moderate White and Bright White trim. I decided to try light walls in my main living areas and I think I’m going to love it. Moderate White has just enough warmth to it so it will have a good feel, I think. I had bright white trim in my Birmingham house and even though I usually go for a little more creamy white, I did like the bright white. It seems to make colors pop even more. It’s hard to photograph colors accurately. Moderate White looks much warmer in person than in this pic.
Do you like bright white trim or something more creamy? I’m pretty sure I’ll go with a bright white.
I will be buying all my paint next week. I got a great promotional opportunity with my ad network and Sherwin Williams, so that is very exciting.
(Missi (Havoc to Heaven), Phyllis (not a blogger, but has a booth at The Classy Flea), Sheila (Plum Doodles), Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) and me.
In the meantime, these angels showed up on Saturday and miraculously all the trim got primed by lunchtime! Can you believe that? My dad was very excited about that part. That will get us further down the renovation road. These girls were great and we all had a fun time chatting and painting. Sure made that work go faster! I can’t thank them enough for their time.
I have to give a huge shout-out to RustOleum. They are sponsoring Haven and after I begged the RustOleum girls for spraypaint and primer, they came through in a BIG way!. Sent me a case (4) of this wonderful Zinsser BIN primer, which is great stuff. It is oil-based and sticks so well. It covered up that stained woodwork and now we’ll be ready to add some glossy white trim paint.
Sheila, busy painting in the dining room.
Connie (Sensible Redesigns) had to leave right before lunch, but that girl worked magic in one bedroom and down the hallway. She’s fast! Missi did a great job too and they flew through the bedrooms painting trim.
My dad was there too, priming away.
Sheila, Susan, and Missi in the master bedroom.
Phyllis priming the doors.
Here it is after priming, already looking so much better, don’t you think?
Can’t wait to get rid of that dark blue, but priming the trim really makes it lighter already.
In the living room, those big windows look really good now and that railing looks better in white.
One wall in the dining room, with the Rockport Gray I’m going with on top.
My mom is a doll and she was in charge of getting lunch for us. I called in pizza to go and she picked it up and brought along a nice salad and peach cobbler for dessert.
We all sat in the living room, ate lunch and chatted. It was so nice to have those sweet ladies stop by and help us. I’m sure we will do another paint day soon!
I had to share this sweet pic from last week. My dad’s favorite spot is in his swing and this is what we see frequently. His fave napping spot! He’s so cute.
So, that’s our last week’s progress. We’re getting there, slowly but surely. Thanks for being out there and following along. I love to read all of your comments on the house progress. Your comments keep me excited and raring to go! I can’t wait to get this house painted and on to the floors.
That last picture of your dad with his hat on backwards sleeping in the best! Your parents are so cute. How fun all the ladies that came to help you! Looks like you are moving right along and it’s looking fab!
Sure wish I could have come to help paint. It is all looking so good. Love all of the updates. Thanks for sharing.
Your house is coming right along! How wonderful that you have so much help!!!
I had bright white (SW Pure White) on all the trim in my last house and loved it. This house has more of a creamy white but there is too much of it for me to even think about repainting it (especially since it doesn’t need painting!) so I’m sticking with it.
Looking forward to seeing progress at your place,
Loved the pic of your dad!
Love how your documenting your renovations, and it’s amazing to have a team of friends come in to help. But, I have to say I agree with Terri – the picture of your dad is my favorite part. Cherish, Cherish, Cherish your time with your parents – I lost my Dad in 2010 and it’s hardest thing I’ve ever dealt with. Your parents are sooooo cute. I Love them!
Looks like you all are making good progress! Window trim makes SUCH a big difference in a room…and priming means you are one step closer to the real finished paint color! Wahoo!
good luck!
Rhoda, everything is coming along so well! I can’t wait to see you out on your screened in porch, kicking back and relaxing!
Love reading your weekly home reno posts, I look forward to seeing your progress each week!
Shucks…sorry I was out of town and missed the paint party…I could have painted with two of my favorite bloggers, you and Susan. Glad you got so much done. Glad all is going so well for you!
Looks wonderful Rhoda! It’s amazing what paint will do:) Look forward to seeing your progress. I just know it will be amazing!
You sure got a lot done with your team of painters. The salad and cobbler were great ideas to add to the pizza lunch. The grey colour is lovely. Looking forward to seeing more progress.
Wow! You are really buzzing through that transformation of your home!
Could you send those lovely ladies my way next? My big projects have stalled and maybe they could kick-start me into hanging my bead board wallpaper and board and batten …
I am loving keeping up with your house transformation! We have SW moderate white in our home and I love it. Your dad looks to be about the same age as mine. My dad helped with our first home- he was a painter by trade in the early days, and painted the Brooklyn bridge. You are building such wonderful memories in your new home already!!
Caulking looks simple, but it is one of those things that once you try it, you learn it is actually NOT!
All that work would wipe me out! I bet it feels good, though!
Your parents seem so lovely! it is obvious how much you adore them. 🙂
I am so happy that this is coming together for you so well, Rhoda; it is going to be such a beautiful home with your personal stamp when you’re done with it!
Thanks for keeping us updated on its progress!
I am so thrilled for you. This is the type of thing I LOVE doing. I am thoroughly enjoying watching your progress.