I really do have some clearing out & straightening to do. My craft closet is in dire need of a clean-out & reorganizing. My clothes closet is looking really pathetic lately & I definitely need to clean it out & give some things away. My office nook is looking more shabby than chic these days. The garage looks like a tornado hit it. Not to mention those 2 drawers in the kitchen that should be labeled “Junk”. So I believe I’ll be busy this month. It’s one of our worst months for weather, so it should be the perfect time to be indoors, tidying up & getting myself organized. Are you feeling it yet?
And a big thank you to all of you who stopped by my Home Again post! Y’all are just the best. I can’t tell you how inspiring it was for me to read about you & your lives too, to see how we are all so much alike, trying to juggle it all & figure things out as we go along, not to mention the different life stages we all face. It’s not always easy being women, but I’m grateful to have met all of you along the journey & thankful that I can share my thoughts with you too. You all gave some great advice & insight. Thanks a bunch! I’m so looking forward to this New Year with all of you!
All other photos from Southern Accents, online
Top to bottom: Cottage Living, Real Simple, Southern Living, and last 2 Sunset
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It is nice to see that “getting it together” is on someones else’s mind. Last night at Lowes I picked up the January issue of BH&G becasue of the article on organization mentioned on the cover. My husband has joked that I have become a woman obsessed, although I rather think he likes his closet that has just been cleaned out! January is definitely the month to get my act together and organize!
Morning Rho- please be sure to stop by my blog for a visit as I’m having a Winter White giveaway for all- my first! All you have to do is share your favorite white. I think since we are all in the same mode this month,we’ll all have cleaner more organized homes this Spring! I always try to corral the office clutter this month too in preparation for tax time!
I haven’t even taken down my xmas decorations yet! I normally do it the day after xmas, but my new husband was shocked that I’d even think about taking them down before New Year’s! And now I’m not in the mood; so for me organization is not in the offing yet!
I have been organizing since taking down decorations. You are right its that time of year!!! Since I am waiting on a new baby and this is the year I have really been getting things organized. Have a great weekend.
Just before Christmas I switched my pantry and the cabinet beside the refrigerator. All my dishes are in the pantry, now. So much easier to see and more accessible. The fridgeside cabinets have pullout shelves, perfect for food items. I like it much better and it is more organized. I also used baskets in that cabinet.
We’ve worked in our basement storage this week, too…getting it organized. It’s something we do every year after Christmas. And something J enjoys helping me with. This year it’s an especially good thing. Mr J is somewhat of a “Type A” guy and has to have something to do, all the time. It’s helping him adjust to retirement! By the time we are finished with organizing the house, perhaps it will be nice outside. The lawn and gardens are his favorite pastime!
It always feels so good to get storage and closets looking good for the new year!
We always laugh when they call it spring cleaning- It really should be called After-the-New-Years-time-to-declutter-clean-and-rearrange!!!! What a great time to start anew! We just loved your Home again post, and are looking forward to your adventures over this next year- so much fabulousness ahead!!
kari & kijsa
Hi Rhoda I looked at the Better Homes & Gardens article too. Not only do they get organized but they make it look pretty too. I am working on it! Rhondi
I have been cleaning and re-organizing for a couple of months now….amazing how things can accumulate isn’t it???? LOL…Loved all the pics you posted too!
I know what you mean Rhoda. I am in declutter mode around here as well. My studio/office needs redoing as does my closet and pantry.
I guess I better get busy.
Yes…organizing in the New Year gets us so motivated. We are having our carpet switched out next Tuesday….so closets will be decluttered quick!
I think it’s called “Spring Cleaning”! Or, since it’s only January, pre-spring cleaning. I’m doing it too. And you’re right, putting Christmas away makes a person want to keep going – to the closets, the cupboards, the offices, the garage… (well,, not the garage – it’s frightful in there and I’m leaving that to my husband!)
Hey Rhoda – Thanks for sharing the pics – between looking at them and reading your post, I’m feeling REALLY inspired! I finally got around to setting up a craft/sewing space JUST FOR ME in the basement (it’s finished down there but it must serve other functions, as well – like teenage hangout area/teenage son’s bedroom area/etc. so the whole basement is not ALL MINE – shoot!) but now I’ve got to organize all of my supplies and decorate my space. Thanks for being our “organization cheerleader”!!! LOL j/k Have a great day!
Love all of the organizing pics, Rhoda. I’ve been very motivated in this area lately too! Congrats on your newest life adventure.
I got the “de-clutter and organzie bug” the day after Christmas and it’s still with me. Kinda nice. Now I’m hoping to catch the “get back in shape” bug.
I really do need to get organized with alot of things. I have good intentions, but have trouble following through. LOL I wonder if they have professional organizers.
Oh absolutely, declutter is my middle name this time of year! It’s not Spring Cleaning…it’s Winter Waltzing with boxes of stuff for the sheds and yardsale preparations…such fun…there is something seriously wrong with us, you know.
thanks Rhonda, I haven’t seen you in so long. Thanks for the help. I am staying at the book store drinking capo and getting ides.
Best of luck,Brenda
Organizing several of my stashes of stuff–my scrapbook stuff, things in my kitchen, etc– is on my major To Do list at the beginning of the year. I’m in the mood to do it!
I am so ready to organize and clear away the clutter. My progress may be slower this year since I’m back to work.
My H is really wanting to remodel our master bath and take the end of it to add a closet for him. Then I would get the entire master walk-in closet. Boy, could I do some spreading out and prettying up in it.
Would you please come clean my drawers out too, Rhoda! I try to do that occassionally but really hate that job……I need for my craftroom to be more organized also so keep sharing these tips with us, pretty please!