Did you all have a nice Mother’s Day? We sure did at our house. With the addition of this new baby girl, it has really changed everything for our family and we took lots of family pics to remember the occasion. The older we get, the more we know that we cannot take any of this for granted. I’ve told you about my mother before, but really I don’t think words even adequately express how much she means to me and my family. She is without a doubt one of the best mothers out there. God might have broken the mold with her, although I think her own mother was such a blessing too from what I’ve heard. I never knew her, as she died when I was very little.
Growing up, I used to think my parents were so mean. We were the girls who didn’t get to do anything fun, the preacher’s kids. Back then, it was a sin to go to movies or dances or anything heathen like that. Smoking, drinking and cussing were definitely frowned upon. Everyone else got to have fun, but not us. We grew up with lots of rules and I used to think that everyone else had way more fun parents than we did. Why couldn’t our parents be cool like that and let us do whatever we wanted? It was wishful thinking back then, but now that I’m older and wiser (I hope!), I’ve certainly changed my tune on that. They did relax things a bit when Lauren came along and got into her teen years.
Now, I know that these Godly parents of ours had rules for our own good. They made us mind and do what they thought was the right thing, using Biblical principles as their guide and not what everyone else was doing . It was pretty boring to me back then, but now I wouldn’t change a thing. Now I know what a fine example of parenting they set for us and we were so blessed to have them as our parents. Mom is a special lady, with so much love, patience, and the most gentle spirit that you would ever meet. She’s an angel in mom’s clothing and I’m so glad that she is MY mom. I know my sister and my niece feel the same way.
I know she felt the love yesterday, just as we all did and it was really a special moment. I’ll be sharing a special family moment at the bottom of the post, so get the tissues ready!
My sister’s backyard has been Mother’s Day central for the past several years. She and Bruce have worked so hard on this backyard and it comes in handy for special occasions like this. My sister set up a big table for all of us. There were lots of folks there on Mother’s Day this year, including friends of my sister’s family and her husband, Bruce’s parents and brother’s family were there too. We always celebrate with them as well.
She had pretty hydrangeas on the table.
It ended up being a beautiful day to eat outside.
I’ve showed you all pics of their backyard before, but here it is again. A tropical jungle with a pond and waterfall.
Rock walls and lots of landscaping.
I captured this special pic of mom and dad and this one really shows off their personalities.
Lauren and her baby, Parker.  We all just can’t get enough of this sweet girl. She’s getting big so fast and has changed so much in the last month since we’ve seen her.
Lauren and Renee fixed a delicious lunch of pork chop spaghetti and salad. It was all yummy, as usual!
I love this pic of mom and Parker, with Lauren looking on. Sweet times, these are!
Dad doing his favorite thing, eating dessert.
Strawberry shortcake with pound cake and fresh strawberries.
As always, we girls had to take a pic on Mother’s Day to document the day. This time we have a sweet little bundle to join us and that made it extra special. We even talked ahead about what color we should all wear so the pics look better and I’m happy we did that. We will treasure these photos for years to come. Comes in handy having a blog to document all of this specialness!
We let Dad get in the pictures too. He has put up with all of us girls for a long, long time and has learned that it’s a hopeless cause if we all want him to do something. He may as well go ahead and give in now. The estrogen was running high at our house growing up.
Mom and that sweet baby girl with the most perfect lips ever.
She’s just getting cuter and cuter and of course, we all had to take turns holding her. Mom usually gets first dibs.
But I got my share of Parker time too. She’s a doll baby!
I got my share of smooches this time, kissing those sweet cheeks. She is so fun now, cooing and smiling.
After lunch, we gave mom her Mother’s Day gifts and this one was a big hit as you can imagine. We wondered where she would put it as her walls are filled with mostly pics of Lauren at various stages. We decided that a Lauren pic might have to come down to make room for this one. Lauren doesn’t mind being bumped for this angel.
The last gift that Lauren gave mom was a card with an enclosed note. Lauren came in last week and has been here for a few days. Mom was keeping Parker for awhile as Lauren had some errands to run. She was leaving but came back into the den where mom was holding Parker and this is what Lauren saw and noted on her Facebook page last week. I was there right after it happened too and got all teary-eyed during the moment.
When mom read this note, she began to weep, as did all of us.
Lauren’s words to mom:
When I walked in and saw these two napping and snuggling, I assumed it was their typical cuteness…until I saw Nana’s lips moving and heard her whispering. I got closer and realized she was praying for Parker, just as she has always done for me. It will be many many years before Parker understands how special it is to have a grandmother who cloaks her in prayer every morning on her knees in front of the worn armchair in her bedroom, and I realize that Nana may not be with us when that day comes. For as long as I live though, this little girl will always know how privileged she is to have come from such a meek but mighty warrior of God.
And that, my friends, sums it all up. Happy Mother’s Day! This one was extra special.Â
oh, this post is so sweet! and yes, I needed my tissues! All the pictures of your family are truly ones to treasure – they all look so pretty!! Your mom and dad are just such special people – so sweet. And that last note that Lauren wrote – oh my, how absolutely precious that that cute little babe has her great-grandmother praying for her. Love the little smile on Parker in your picture with her – that one is a definite keeper – so adorable!!
Thanks for sharing your family and family stories with us, Rhoda!
Thank you for sharing this! My grandmother is the same way, except I don’t know if she will live to see me when I have children. That is rather something to live up to being a meek, yet mighty warrior of God. Lauren was very eloquent in her note. God bless your family!!
I was so touched by your post…and maybe a little envious, that you still have your mom:). Sounds like you and I had very similar parenting! How precious that must have been for Lauren to hear her grandmother praying for her baby. When my grandmother died, and then years later, my mother and father, the thought that struck me was that those who prayed daily for me and my children were gone…such an incredible loss. Yet, God planned their homecoming so I trust Him to fill the gap. Thanks again for the heart felt post.
I am sobbing my heart out right now, partly because I miss my mum so much and the other being reading that note and seeing the photograph of your mother and Parker, so very very touching both image and words. Both my boys are grown up but I still pray for them each morning and always will. Your parents sound wonderful people and I believe those hard teenage years were for the best. I wish I had been a bit stricter with my two boys, nevertheless they are both lovely, caring boys with a respect for people and animals.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful mothers day, you all looked so gorgeous in pink. I wonder if that was all meant to be or you just turned up all wearing the same colour?
Lee we planned the colors that way!
Thank you for sharing your Mother’s Day and the legacy you have in your family. It was lovely to “get to know you” through this post.
I cannot adequately express how this post makes me feel. Just wonderful. You’re good therapy, Rhoda.
Rhoda….What a blessing to read about your very Special Mother’s Day celebration with your sweet family!! Tears were flowing at the tenderness shown by all these beautiful pictures! Your Mom and Dad are angels on this earth as you can see in the pure love they exude in every photograph. Thank you for sharing and may God continue to bless all of you!! 🙂
Crying, of course. Hugs to your Mama and baby Parker, oh my… Lauren’s words were amazing. Looks like it was an extra special Mother’s Day!
You “called” that one Rhoda. Big ole’ alligator tears here! What a gift to grow uo with such a woman of faith!
Beautiful day, beautiful pictures, beautiful family. You were so right about needing tissues, and very lucky to have the family you have. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful, just beautiful! What blessing to have your parents still with you to enjoy this moment! And for Parker to have such a Godly great grandmother who is a prayer warrior!
Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. Like many others, we feel like you are extended family. Love the generations photo, too precious. When I came to the picture of your mom crying, I too, cried. Parker is beautiful. She is so lucky to have you all as family. Blessings
What a beautiful, awesome heritage your granddaughter has.
Thank you for sharing your close knit family with me/us. I wonder if you know how many of us feel like we are apart of your special moments. And for so many of us who”s parents have passed away, and that have lost the glue to the family unit. I know you already know how blessed you are still having both parents, you truly are!
God Bless you and your family