We had great conversations about shoes a few weeks ago and I gave you a little tour of my closet. Let’s see what the other girls have to say in the new video with Ree at the ranch.
Twenty-eight days and counting and I’ll be visiting the ranch myself. You know I’m excited about that!
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I absolutely LOVE your blog and I enjoy PW’s blog. But, these video things are just not that inspiring. I hope the one you do with PW is more fun, flowing and engaging. I will watch the one you do just because I like your blog but I don’t plan to watch anymore of the series – I’d rather read the blogs than watch them!
I think I missed something. For those who don’t know, please give us the story about going to the Ranch!! Details please!:)
Hey, Liz, I announced it back in March on this post: http://southernhospitalityblog.com/putting-it-all-together-a-night-out-a-day-in/
I’m involved in a big BlogHer promotion with several other bloggers sponsored by Macys & we are all going to the ranch. My turn is at the end of the month! Yes, I’m over the moon excited. 🙂
RHODA, I can’t wait to see what all of you do with the PW thingy and what happens with Hyacinth too! GOOD STUFF COMING OUR WAY FOR SURE!