Someone mentioned in the comments that they would love to know how I decided what to sell and what to keep in my moving sale, so thanks for that comment. You just helped me figure out what this post will be about. 🙂
The moving sale this weekend went fantastic! I couldn’t be happier with the turnout and the things that moved. I ended up with about 4 furniture pieces left that didn’t go during the sale, but I’ve listed them on Craigslist in hopes of getting them sold. In fact, 2 of them are already sold, so 2 more to go. Craigslist is definitely a great way to sell furniture pieces that you need to get rid of without practically giving it away at a yardsale.
I enjoyed meeting many of my blog readers who came through the sale, thanks for saying hello. It would have been fun to take pics along the way, but it was incredibly busy, especially on Friday, that there wasn’t time for any frivolous picture taking. Those first 2 hours on Friday were moving fast and furious, with things flying out the door at a rapid pace. I couldn’t have done it without 6 of my friends who showed up early and helped me with crowd control, taking money, and answering questions. I have the BEST friends!
By the time Saturday a.m. rolled around, there wasn’t a whole lot left. Right before Noon when things had been really slow for an hour or so and I was getting ready to take the signs down, about 20 people showed up all at one time and practically cleaned out the rest of what was left.
So, really I couldn’t be any happier with the sale and proceeds made. It was a great weekend and a much needed way to pare down my move by getting rid of things that I didn’t need to hang onto any longer.
So, that comment about deciding what to keep was a good one. I really didn’t sit down and make a list. I had so many accessories that getting rid of a lot of that didn’t even make me blink.
I sold rugs, lamps, pictures, and LOTS of small accessory pieces. I also sold my tapestry and floral needlepoint rug that used to be in my living room. Even though I loved those still, I had grown tired of the more formal look, so didn’t mind selling those things. I had enjoyed them long enough.
Deciding on which pieces of furniture to sell was another matter. I’ve made it a priority to try to buy good older pieces, some real antiques and those pieces are near and dear to my heart. So, not many of the older pieces went. I did have an old antique oak chest of drawers that I decided to part with, as well as an older dresser that I wasn’t attached to, so most of the guest room furniture was sold, including the beds.
Since I have no idea when I’ll be in another house again, it made sense to keep my favorite pieces and get rid of some of the other things that I wasn’t so attached to. And it really didn’t make me sad at all to pare down and get rid of all of the extras. I still have plenty left and these beautiful antique pieces will be moving with me. These I will not part with. You just can’t go wrong with older pieces. They just don’t make them like this anymore, do they? I’m keeping everything in the bedroom, as well as the dining room pieces. The breakfast table will also be kept. As I mentioned, I didn’t keep the guest room beds, as well as a few of the side tables and dressers in there, but will keep a few things in those rooms. I’m also keeping the den furniture and not getting rid of any of the sofas. They will come in handy later, I hope and my sister is going to use my entire den furniture in her downstairs basement that she is working on, so I’m happy about that. I’d much rather it be used than go into storage. I’ll also keep all the living room furniture, including the chairs and sofa. I still love those pieces and will hopefully use them again some day.Furniture is too expensive to just discard and start over, so as long as the bones are kept, then adding to it later will be the fun part. I will still have my faves. This antique mirror has been with me for about 25 years now and it too will be coming with me.
Moving and storing furniture is not something I’ve ever had to do, but it’s better to do that than get rid of it all. I know that I’ll be using it again one day and will be glad I have those familiar pieces to enjoy again.
How about you?
Have you moved and how did you decide what to keep and what to get rid of?
As I mentioned, getting rid of SO many accessories really didn’t bother me at all. Those things came to me from yardsaling and thrifting for the most part, so passing them along to a new home is a good thing to do. When the time comes again for me to make another home, it will be loads of fun to have the thrill of the hunt once again.
I know you all can relate to that, right!?
The giveaway winner for the Stealing Magnolias book is:
linda miller February 9, 2011 at 10:42 pm
I love everything about New Orleans…..the food, antiques, shopping, looking at the historic houses, parties, Mardi Gras, the people and their music. Hope I get lucky and win this beautiful book.
You did get lucky, Linda! Congrats, I will email you for your info.
Crystal says
I’m glad you had a successful sale! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Susie Harris says
It was such a joy being a guest in your beautiful home. I don’t think it was the nice furniture or the pretty rugs that made me feel so welcomed. It was YOU! Although it was wonderful getting to see everything in real life….You were the best part. No matter where you go in this life Rhoda, you take your precious heart and soul with it. I know wherever the Lord leads you you will follow and make that place just as beautiful. Love ya , Susie
[email protected] says
So glad the sale went well, also glad you were able to keep some of your favorite pieces. Hoping you don’t lose any of “you” in this moving process:) still praying for you.
Fairfield House says
I’ve moved lots. I once put things in storage and will never do that again. I’d rather sell pieces not near and dear to my heart, as you have. I’m happy your sale was a success.
Your Friend,
Lindy says
You have some beautiful antique pieces worth keeping. I think that accessories can get dated, so it’s good to clear some of them out once in awhile. I hope you will keep the pictures of your Alabama home on your blog. I look at them again and again for ideas, hoping your style and good taste will rub off on me! So glad to hear that your sale went well.
Lillian says
Just catching up on lots and wanted to say I’m thinking of you and sending many good thoughts and prayers your way:) So glad your sale went well!
Mary says
It was great to have an opportunity to meet you in person. You were so gracious and expressed southern hospitality even while conducting a moving sale. Thanks for selling me the crown of the dining room. Not yet up but I will be sure to send you photos as soon as it finds its new home. Thanks again. Looking forward to keeping up with you via your blog as you embark in new adventures.
Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top says
I didn’t even know you were moving. I guess I need to go back and catch up!
Ann says
We’ve moved cross country a handful of times and after the first move, my rule of thumb was to get rid of accessories smaller than the size of a football. Doesn’t sound like much, but it really did help. After that, I got rid of things we never used. You’d be amazed at all the kitchen gadgets that really aren’t necessary and take up valuable space.
Victoria says
When I got divorced I left a 4000 sq. foot house for a 700 sq. foot apartment. I kept my kids furniture for their rooms and I kept way too many knick knacks! My apt. was overflowing so as time went on I got rid of a lot of it. But it’s just stuff…the sentimental stuff from my childhood I let my ex put in storage and haven’t seen it since:( That makes me sad, I wish I’d grabbed it when I had the chance! The other stuff didn’t bother me to let go of, I also had a yard sale and the money was more needed than the stuff. I’m glad your sale went well!!!
Barb Boyack says
Rhoda, glad you were able to keep the pieces near and dear to you. I am in a quandry..we are painting, not moving, but when I put my accessosries back up, I want LESS..Is there an easy way to decide what to keep and what to part with?
Many blessings to you sweet friend,
Sharon says
Rhoda … I think you are right to just hold on to just your favourites.
When I was divorced I moved into a one bedroom apartment, until I could decide what to do. I took my favourite things with me, and stored some things that were too big. When I moved into my first house by myself, I had all my favourites, but could reinvent the space to be ‘my’ space … not an ‘our’space. All my most loved things reinvented … like me!
Carol@SofasandSage says
I’m so glad it was such a success for you — you deserved for it to be somewhat easy (though I know that kind of sale is exhausting). Your next home, no matter when or where, will be beautiful for the mere fact that you will be in it. The things you kept will just be your supporting players 🙂 Good luck with the things that come next.
linda miller says
Wow! I just about had a heart attack when I saw my name and that I won this book! I very rarely enter these giveaways but am sure happy I entered yours!!!
I’m thrilled to pieces!
Thank you.
Linda Miller
Lauren@SimplyLKJ says
So glad to hear the sale was a huge success!! Wishing you the best in this next chapter of your life.
Amanda @ House Revivals says
Rhoda, I’m glad to hear your sale went well. It’s good that you are keeping the things you truly love, and letting the other stuff pass on to other homes. We recently moved out of our home of nearly seventeen years, and we knew we would be living in an apartment, and possibly going overseas, and basically living in a state of transition for a couple of years, at least. We purged and purged and purged. All my kids’ furniture went with them, if they wanted it (the youngest had gone off to college). Clothing that didn’t fit into our suitcases was donated. Most of our furniture was donated or given to friends. Since our things were going into storage in a very humid environment, we had to think about what might mold, so most of my fabric collection was donated to an organization that makes dress kits for AIDS orphans (and the kids are taught sewing skills). We did not sell anything (except the house), but sought out meaningful ways to donate what we had. We reduced our household “stuff” by at least half — and you what? We still have way too much stuff!
Terri says
Your positive attitude is inspiring, Rhoda. I’m so glad the sale went well. You must be exhausted from all of the work preparing for and working the sale. And I’m glad you got to see some blogging friends….
Shelley says
Your post is rather Biblical, you know. What you’re keeping are the enduring pieces, the quality pieces that last, the ones that our good foundations for a good future. If in the material world, you’re conscious of good foundations, on a spiritual level you’re also knowing what is a good foundation.
Chris says
Oh, Rhoda. I would have gladly got into a fist fight for that first dresser (highboy?)! It’s simply beautiful! I’m so glad your sale was a success. You’re still in my thoughts!
Glenda/MidSouth says
Glad you were very successful in your sale. Sorry you are having to deal with this. Take care.