As a child of the 60’s (yes, I’m getting old, don’t remind me), one of our fondest memories was going to pick out our Christmas tree from the Christmas tree lot, bringing it home, stringing the lights, and getting out the collection of ornaments my mom had so lovingly put together for our family. Those pretty and colorful glass ornaments that many of us grew up with.
Do you remember them too?
Back then, there were no designer trees. No special colors and trendy trees. Most everyone did those big fat colored lights and all the ornaments were colorful too. We never had just red and green on our trees. It was an explosion of fun colors. That’s what I remember the most. Those ornaments were so pretty and magical to my little bitty self and I can remember sitting under the tree, with the lights all lit up, looking at the ornaments and dreaming of Christmas. Don’t forget those shiny silver icicles too. That was the finishing touch on those trees of childhood. My mom still puts up a little fake tree and was still using these ornaments up until last year. We were over in Marietta over the weekend spending some time with my family for Christmas. I had mentioned to her last year that I’d love to have them one day, so she got them out this year and gave them to me.   The oldest box was from a store called Christo’s and the price tag was 59 cents. Oh my, can you imagine? They just don’t make them like this anymore. Well, maybe they do, but for a huge price, perhaps?
She said she was afraid to keep hanging them on the tree, cause she had dropped a few and broke them in the last few years and if they fell, they were history. These fragile things are paper thin blown glass and about 50 years old, so what do you expect?
So, now they are mine to take care of and treasure. And that, I will do. I will probably pass them onto my niece, Lauren, at some point. She will treasure them too. There were over 2 boxes intact and they sure do make me smile when I look at them.
I love the colors and shapes. Remember the indented ones, with their inside of shimmery gleaming shine?Â
The colors are just remarkable and so, so pretty.Â
All shapes and colors.
I remember them so well.
These pinks are so hot and colorful, aren’t they?
So many pretties to look at.
For these pics,I piled them in a white iron bird feeder, but they don’t all fit inside here. I’ll have to find just the right spot to display them, while protecting them too.Â
Here are a few of my faves. This pretty bell, with its stripes and shiny silver.
Another one shaped so prettily and the colors are so soft and subtle.
This silver with teal and hot pink is one that I really remember, along with the frosted snow on top.
I’m so glad that they have survived and now I get to enjoy them too.
At least for this year, I carefully placed them in one of my crystal bowls on a side table in the living room.
How about you?
Do you have vintage ornaments from your childhood or have you collected some for yourself?
I’ve been on the lookout for some of these and have never found any that were a decent price. And I hardly ever see any just like this with all the colors and shapes.
The Gadanke giveaway winners of the journals are:
#30 – Cathy
#55 – Liberty Bain
#65Â – Monique W.
Congrats, ladies! I w ill email you, so just get back to me and I’ll put you in touch with Katie to claim your prize.
Love ’em! I was lucky enough to have inherited my maternal grandmother’s old ornaments from my mother. They are my most favorite and precious! I’m on the lookout for old ornaments all the time and sometimes get lucky at the Goodwill or Salvation Army stores. This year I hit pay-dirt at an antiques store and found 2 boxes of those types of ornaments- only overized! They are fabulous! I’d rather have one old ornament over a new one any day! I have an entire tree dedicated to these precious beauties! Thanks for sharing your photos!
Oooh! I loveeeeee these. Love love love them. I wish I could get my hands on some.
love the ornaments and all the memories that go with them; i have all of my grandmother’s ornaments that are similar and every year put them on a huge tree in my living room – it is really fun to get them out every year and look at them – she even kept the styrofoam balls we made with the christmas cards glued to them – only a grandmother would keep those but i treasure them now 🙂 thx for sharing yours!
Rhoda, I think the ornaments look so pretty in your crystal bowl. Talk about a trip down memory lane! My mom collected the Shiny Brite ornaments for many years. In the early sevenites when I was about 6 or 7 years old, I tried to plug in the Christmas tree lights by myself, and pulled the tree over. Almost every ornament broke. I’m sure it broke my mother’s heart, but I was so upset, she was more concerned about me at the time. The ornaments are so colorful, and I remember that my mom liked the ones with red and silver on them. Thanks for sharing!
Merry Christmas!
Isn’t it crazy how cheap ornaments used to be? On the other hand 59cents might’ve been quite a lot back then too.
I started collecting vintage ornaments this year:) It all started with a trip to my favorite antique/new/old Frenchy Shabby store here where I bought five ornaments with the intent to set them in a pretty bowl. Then I got smart and looked on Ebay for better deals. You can find a ton of them on Ebay fairly inexpensive. The downside was I bought some similar to yours but when they came a few were broken inside the indents and also looked like they’d been caught on fire at some point. They were blackened up at the top where the hook goes. I love them the same as the nicer ones. I think I spent around $25 with shipping for 25 or so bulbs. Not bad in comparison to the $5 or more apiece from the vintage ornaments at the shop.
Yours are beautiful and in such great condition! Ah…the joys of inheriting precious things from family. They are usually well cared for.
Merry Christmas,
I remember those ornaments! I remember the box…geez, guess I am getting older too.
I DO remember them, Rhoda! I remember them so well. Our Christmases were just as you described–nothing “designer” about them, but they were fun.
My father worked for a wholesale distributer in Memphis, and I remember one Christmas he came home with boxes and boxes of new ornaments–I imagine they cost something like the 59 cents/box. We were so excited with them, especially since they included some Santas! I’m sure they were all made in Japan–remember when “Made in Japan” was sort of like the “Made in China” of today?
May you be blessed with a wonderful Christmas, Rhoda!
i didn’t know you took those! yes, pass them on to me one day. they’ll go good on my tree.
I have totally fallen in love with these old glass ornaments this year! The only problem is that it seems like everyone else has too! I see them in antique store all the time but they have gotten a little pricey! My parents still decorate their tree with some old ones like this and they have always been some of my favorites. Great post!! 🙂
Oh, what a lovely collection!! I collect them too, but this is some of the best I’ve seen. I guess here in Scandinavia it’s harder to find these colorful ones.
I share som decorating ideas for vintage glass ornaments on my blog.