Back in August, I headed up to NC for an awesome weekend with some fun blogger girlfriends to Angela’s beautiful cottage. We went shopping one day in Asheville and I never got around to sharing these pics. They are too fun NOT to share, so better late than never. We hit The Screen Door first and oh, my was it a fun place to browse. All sorts of fun and inspiring old stuff in there, so I hope you enjoy tagging along with us on this shopping excursion.
Just in case you might want to check it out one day too!
The Screen Door was a lot of fun. You could spend hours in here browsing all the fun treasures. A few of them went home with the girls.
Dress form.
Big old chippy corbel.
Pretty beadboard art
Don’t you love this burlap chandelier? I sure did!
How about a funky vintage chair? I even like this fabric.
Coral and iron
The girls shopping.
Cool old bed
Angela checking out the wares.
Now this is chippy to the max. With moss growing all over.
Heidi and Lori check out a basket.
Taking a break
A shop cat. I love when there is a shop cat hanging out. What a pretty guy (or girl!).
Lovely things to look at.
Loved this booth of signs and old beadboard.
Ooooh, how about a starburst beadboard mirror? Someone will DIY this!
Beadboard picture frame.
It’s love for me and these glass fishing floats.
Shannon found some really cool dog paint by numbers that she collects. I’m loving these too! I wish I had kept my old paint by numbers.
Another cool and rustic chandy.
Plenty of old doors.
Yellow buffet.
Heidi and Lori checking out a really old recliner.
Angela and Renae browsing.
Lori brought home this pretty print that was a good deal. I’ll have to find out where she put it.
Lori, Shannon, Angela, and Heidi show off their treasures for the day! Isn’t treasure hunting fun??
Next stop, Tobacco Barn.
Old and rustic things abounded.
Plenty of things to look at here too and it is a giant warehouse full of treasures.
See the magnitude of this place?
Be still my heart, another glass float!
Awww, what a neat old retro aqua table and chairs.
Beverage crate.
China Cabinet.
Wow, is this iron horse head a really fun piece.
Such a fun place to browse! I hope I get the chance to go back to Asheville for more shopping and looking at both of these fun places. If you are in the area, be sure to look them up, you’ll have a blast!
The winner of the Fabricadabra pillow covers giveaway is: Sharon Hoham. Congrats, Sharon you should already have an email from me!
I would love to explore both of these treasure filled places. I was in Asheville a few years ago to tour the Biltmore and I hope to return sometime especially now that I know about these great places to shop!
I am a Raleigh, NC girl. . .will have to make a trip to Asheville 🙂 Thanks for sharing about these cool shops. I want that old pull down school map.
Thank you for making my rainy, cold, Chicago Wednesday so bright! I can’t express the joy you brought as I saw your posting on my blog feed this a.m. Asheville is my hometown and there is no where else like it in the world. Love the Screen Door and the Tob Barn…some of my fave places. I’m even more excited to go “home” at Christmas! Your pictures are gorgeous!
I sooooooooooooooo love that town of “Ashville”!!!! and sure would love to have that burlap chandy!! how cool…. along with the amazing doors and china cabinets… and on .. and on….. LOL!!!
have a blessed day Rhoda!!! Terri
Looks like y’all have a wonderful time. I love places like that. I especially love the retro aqua table and chairs. My grandmother has the exact style table but in an off white/yellow color.
Oh I love those places and can spend hours of time there! What a treat you had!
Rhoda, I love when you do posts on antique stores! I would love to check that out in Asheville some day! My husband and I love to go antique shopping!
Rhoda, Looks like a wonderful time with great friends! Thanks for sharing those pictures. I LOVED that dress form.
thanks Rhoda! we are going to visit children in Virginia this weekend, and will be motoring through east Tennessee and Ashville, NC. I hope to stop at one of these places coming and going.
Fun times we had!! Fun to reminisce through the pics–thanks for sharing. Hope you are doing well!
Ha! I, too, still have pics to post from that weekend in August. 🙂 Time flies too fast, huh?
We had so much fun that weekend…let’s plan on another one in 2012!
I LOVE my lamp I bought that day at Screen Door. Chris outfitted it with a neon pink cord!
Hope to see you around ATL soon!
Looks like such a fun time! Love that iron horse head! And that bed is gorgeous! What a neat place to poke around in with a bunch of blogger friends. Thanks for sharing.
Love love love the yellow buffet. Looks like you girls had lots of fun.
New follower! I like your style. I’m not far from you – Charleston, SC. Hope you will follow me back at
Great post Rhoda…I was there a few weeks ago and loved both of these places. I did a post a few weeks ago on the Screen Door, but I still need to do the one on the TB…wow what a huge place!!! Looks like y’all had a wonderful time shopping.