If you haven’t heard yet, Beth Moore has a new book out, So Long, Insecurity and she’s doing a book club reading on her blog, LPM Blog, so if you’d like to get the book and join in the discussion, click on over for the details. She started a roll call for everyone to add their name and info and then she’ll be discussing the book by chapter. Should be an interesting read and a good book to discuss with other women.
Insecurity is something that I think every woman has struggled with at some time or another. I think I had a worse time with insecurities when I was younger. There’s something about getting older and a little wiser that cures some of that stuff.
Speaking of Ms. Beth, she was in Birmingham on Wednesday for 3 book signings for her new book. Me and a couple of my Bible study girls went and stood in line to meet her and get our books signed. What a treat! She’s just as warm, friendly and gracious as she appears to be from the stage. She’s coming back to Birmingham in December for a Deeper Still conference and I cannot wait for that. This will be my 3rd Deeper Still and I’m sure this one will be just as awesome as the other two were. You can get tickets here for Deeper Still. Better hurry, this event is sure to sell out.
Are you planning to read this one?
My sister just gave me that book yesterday and I’m
excited to read it. I’ve read several now and really
love them and get so much out of them.
You got to meet her? Oh, so cool!
Yep, I have signed up for the blog study and got my book in the mail this week.
So excited!
LOVE Beth Moore…yes, I would love to read the book. Glad to know she is the same in person as when she teaches. Thanks for sharing your special time with her with us.
Definitely planning on reading this one (have already started!)
I couldn’t make it to the book signing and I was pretty bummed.
Our church is hosting one of the So Long Insecurity Simulcasts in April! I’m in south Birmingham if you live in the area and want to come. I know a lot of the siestas are actually going to see her in Georgia, but I wanted to throw that out there. Feel free to email me if you have any questions!
Rhoda, thank you so much for bringing this book to my attention! It’s positively transformative! I live in the UK, but I was visiting the San Francisco area until Tuesday this week, and when I saw it there in Borders I remembered your post and bought it straight away. When I’ve finished reading it, I’m going to blog about it too to help spread the word around, and I’ll be sure to mention I heard about it from you on Southern Hospitality and link back to this post. Best wishes, April
Attended the “So Long Insecurity” simulcast in Midland, Texas. It was amazing and powerful day. Several of the ladies were discussing the prayer that Beth prayed over us at the end … we repeated the prayer to the person next to us…. WE NEED TO KNOW THAT PRAYER WORD FOR WORD!! Please help us. I know that I need that prayer written on my mirror in my bathroom to pray every morning and to read before I lay my head down at night!! Hope you can help….. Thank you
Does anyone know where Beth shops? so shallow—I know, but I love her outfits.
They asked that question of the panel (Beth, Kay, and Priscilla) at the Deeper Still in Denver last weekend and Beth specifically mentioned Stein Mart as one of her favorite places to shop (especially to find jackets).
Hi there. I know you posted this almost a year ago. But I had to comment. I haven’t read the book yet, but my church has done her Daniel study and we’re just starting our 2nd week in her study “Esther”. she’s an amazing teacher. Love that you’re a fan of her’s too. 🙂
Beth, I have listern and listern to your book, but some reason, rejection, has gotten the best of me, on someone I didn’t want in the first place. I keep asking why did you talk out of my life. Now he doesn’t speak to me any more. It overwhelming I need a breakthrough. I need to be delivered. The last time I text him I was pretty nasty on the things I said to him very nasty.
God help me please.