Is it hot as a firecracker where you are? We are about to melt here in Atlanta. How do you folks in the desert stand this 100+ heat for days on end? Whewwwww, I like summer, but not when it’s this hot. Thankfully, my friend, Debbie, has a pool in her backyard. 😉
Last week, I needed a break, but I’m back with some highlights from our previous Thrifty Treasures party. Y’all don’t slow down, do you? One of these days, I’ll be back out there scoring some treasures again too. I just need to wait and see what I need to fill in my house once I get in there. Yippee, can’t wait!
Before Meets After likes a good find from the local Goodwill and this pair of lamps and corbels were a wonderful find, all for $15. Wahooo!
Found curbside (oh yeah, aren’t those fun finds!), Blessed Serendipity scored a really pretty tole tray. Looks perfect in her house!
Little tables, oh how I love little tables. Found for $9 at the Goodwill by Live Laugh Rowe, I would have had to take this home too.
I have one just like this! Mrs. Jones found this at an auction for $20 and it looks to be vintage. Mine is too! She spray painted hers the same color I painted mine. I will have to figure out where to put mine at the new house.
Be still my heart! This rustic shelving was stolen for $20 at a local flea market by Must Love Junk. Really cool find!
This Craigslist before and after is really a good one from My Passion for Décor. She totally transformed it. Go over and see how it looked before!
Pretty red, white and blue yardsale fabrics made for a festive 4th of July party at Natalie’s Sentiments. Way to use those finds!
The Spirit Factory adds a birdcage found for $5, made into a light fixture to her newly done laundryroom and how cute is that?!
The winner of the $100 Lowes giftcard from last week is announced here!
So, what did YOU find this week? There are a TON of parties out there to highlight all your projects, so please let’s keep this one about thrifty finds that were bought 2nd hand! Not a great sale from the store, or a recipe, or just a plain project, but 2nd Hand finds only! And please DO NOT go back in your archives to OLD posts and link up. Let’s keep this party fresh and current! If you have already shared your find in a previous party, DON’T share it again! Please, girls, I don’t want to have to delete links.
- Add your permalink to the link list, which is the actual post that you did for this party, NOT your general blog url. To get the actual post, after you publish the post, just click on the title and THAT will be your party post url. PLEASE try to get the correct url in the first time!
- Please add my button to your post or blog OR at least link back to this post in your post. That’s all I ask. It’s common courtesy to link back to the person having the party, so that all of your readers can find it too.
- Please do NOT link to an Etsy shop or something similar (even if you think it’s a fabulous deal) or I will delete the link. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from yardsales, thriftstores, or something along those lines. If I see that your post is not really on track with this theme AND you don’t link back, I’ll delete your link. Sorry, but I’d like to keep the party consistent! IF YOU SEE THAT YOUR LINK HAS BEEN DELETED, IT IS PROBABLY BECAUSE IT IS NOT IN LINE WITH THIS PARTY THEME.
Again this year, I’ll be highlighting great finds from the party, so if you want your find highlighted, PLEASE link back to the party. Only those who link back will be considered for highlighting the next week. Thanks!
Hi Rhoda, must love junk’s shoe rack IS fabulous!! I’m really enjoying your week by week house reno. You have such an amazing mom and dad!!
Glad you are back Rhoda this is my kind of party! Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting! Great features! XO, Aimee
I’m going to stop complaining about the Midwest heat … you all (well, more appropriately, ya’ll) in the South are just melting. Lucky you with a friend with a pool!
Great features. Great party. And I’ve only heard the greatest of feedback from Haven! I’m hoping you ladies host again next year because I’m itching to go … as in will buy a ticket the very second you put them on up for sale!
Love the features, I need to go visit Must Love Junk. I’m trying to peek around the corner 🙂 Have a wonderful week!
Must Love Junk’s shoe rack is amazing – it makes my heart race!
It’s been a scorcher here in NJ too – the pool is our only salvation!
Great post, I love all the treasures. I use to have a pie drying rack like was featured and that one is in wonderful condition. It always looks wonderful with primatives.
Thanks for hosting the party.
It’s been pretty hot here too. Thanks for hosting.
What a fun party Rhoda! I love everyone’s finds. I still have yet to go thrifting but I will soon 🙂 I want to party too! I’ve been jumping around your site and looking at your latest house progress and I’m loving your little roof your dad put up while you were in Haven . Very cute 🙂
Love that shelf, Must Love Junk scored! All the features were great!
Thanks for hosting! 🙂
Thanks so much for hosting!! Posted one of my best ever finds to share. I’m working on a new post now, can’t wait to link it next week!
Have a super 4th of July holiday!!
Awesome features~ I linked up a coffee sack table runner I made this week!! Thanks so much for hosting! 🙂
It’s my first time here…thank you so much for hosting!
Love this party. As far as the heat goes, it really is the humidity.
I am partial to the little table and the rustic shelving! 🙂
Great finds! I love that red, white and blue fabric display.
I haven’t written about my finds yet from the spring and I just linked up today. It’s fun to see what others found, too. Thanks for hosting, Rhoda.
This is my first time joining your fabulous party!! Thanks so much for hosting. I enjoy your blog so much. I’m keeping up with your home projects.
My first time linking to a party! Thanks for hosting & being such an inspiration!