My parents, Iris and Al, in the early 1950’s.
I love my parents to pieces and think I’m one of the most blessed people on earth, because of them. They are the salt of the earth. Good people who raised me and my sister right. I’ve told you before that I’m a preacher’s kid. Dad has been retired for over 15 years now, but he was a pastor my whole life. My dad is 80 and my mom is turning 80 in May and they are in remarkably good health. This is what good living will do for you. They are children of the depression and it’s still etched in their memories. I wonder how we would be if we had lived through that period of time in our country.
We spent about 2 and 1/2 days with my parents last week and I so enjoyed having them here. They usually make it over to Birmingham about once a year and we go over there many other times during the year. It was my turn to host and cook for them for a change, since my mom has cooked and cleaned up after me my entire life. They are truly the best parents ever!
Mom looks great for 80 (in May) doesn’t she? I hope those genes are passed down to me, cause I can hardly believe they are getting on up there that fast. That means that I am too and I’m sorta in denial about that. But the hot flashes that have recently started tell me a different story. We’ll talk about that another day.
Daddy has always enjoyed working with his hands and last year I told him about a little project I’d like to get done under our deck, so he promised he would do it for me when they came over again. He’s a good carpenter and has built many things for me. I try not to ask him to do anything that will be too hard for him now, but Mom will usually tell me if he’s not up for something.
I really wanted to put in a lattice wall on one end of the deck to hide the ugly A/C unit and create more of a room feeling under there.
Good memories with the folks! They are dear to me. I’m realizing just how blessed I am when I talk to friends who have lost both parents. I’m so grateful for mine.
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Your parents are ADORABLE! I’m so glad you enjoyed your time together. Yes, my hubby and I both have our parents still and we know we are blessed!!
Your father is an amazing carpenter. I looks so nice with the lattice added under your deck. Just think of the things you can hang on your “wall” now!!
How great your parents look Rhoda.
Great project!!!
Love the baby chicks. I would like a baby duck sometime.
By the way, I know about those hot flashes. Not fun!!!!
Rhoda, I enjoyed your last couple of posts. It was great to read about your parents and your yardsale finds. I love your blog and will be back to visit often…as soon as I figure out how to save you as a favorite. Susan 🙂
Your folks look remarkedly young for 80…you’re right, good living and strong belief’s probably played a big part in that. I love the way you have the lattice to hide the a/c…I’ve recently learned how to do brickwork for my front door…it’s hard work but I aim to finish it. A few rows a day, and it’s done. Such a lovely post…thanks for sharing Rhoda
Your parents look like a very happy couple. Lucky to have such a nice family.
Your parents look so sweet! How lucky you are to have them!
Your new lattice looks great and will create such a useful spot for you. Dad’s are the best. Mine is handy with his hands too and has done many projects for me over the year. Can’t wait to see what you create in your new found space.
Rhoda, thank you for sharing your parents with us.
Yep, you are blessed to still have both of them. I lost my daddy some years ago, and my mama only last March.
I remember going on drives to out of the way places with them, as you did. Such wonderful memories.
What wonderful comments about your parents! And such a great visit! your patio looks like it os coming along so well! A doubly-blessed day!
kari & kijsa
Wow, that lattice wall makes a HUGE difference!! It really defines a nice cozy space and I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product!!
Rhoda, I loved seeing the pics of your folks. I think you look like your Mama but I can see your Daddy in you too. Isn’t it awesome to have such a Godly heritage! We are so blessed aren’t we??? And your Daddy (and Peter too)did an awesome job on the lattice. I’m sure you are loving that.
Thank you so much for understanding. You are so sweet! Thank you so much for adding me to your blog roll too 🙂
Big hugs,
Rue 🙂
Rhoda love you had a great visit with your family! I lost my dad when I was young, treasure the time, I know you do. I can tell you have a great relationship with them both and I am so glad you were able to visit with them.
New reader to your blog here.
Every spring, I take the kids to the feed store to pick out chicks and ducks. We have a pet dwarf bunny too! I visit the classrooms at school, talking to the kids about the animals and letting them take turns holding them. Last year, I went to 32 classes and I am talking about K – 5th grade. Your never too old for baby animals.
After Easter is over, I return the chicks to the feed store to be resold, but we keep the Pekin ducklings for a few more weeks, until they are big enough for the local pond. I hose their cage out every morning and let the ducks swim in a big plastic tub. When I take them out of the tub to dry off, they follow us to the bus stop (our front yard) in a nice straight line and the neighbor kids pet them. After the bus comes, they follow me back into the backyard and I put them into their cage. Ducklings are fun and they imprint on you easily.
I would suggest trying them sometime.
Love your blog,
Central, FL
How great to see Aunt Iris and Uncle Al again. They are truly everything Rhoda says they are. Rhoda is blessed as I am with parents who truly live what they believe. Uncle Al is a great gardener and Aunt Iris is an amazing cook, too.
Cousin Howie
Yes dear.You are so lucky to have had wonderful parents.And very lucky still to have healthy parents today…Ann