After seeing many bloggers around blogland doing their own moldings and trim, I’ve really been inspired to try it myself. There are three in particular who I’ve been following around, checking out their projects of wainscoting and beadboard, as they beautify their homes with moldings. So, I figured if they can do it, I can too! With only a trusty mitre box right now, that will have to suffice for cutting those angles, but it works, so that’s what I will do. You can bet if I find a power mitre saw at a yardsale this year, I’ll be bringing it home. Go and take a look at Layla’s projects, as well as Just Beachy, and Thrifty Decor Chick. All these girls know how to beef up their homes with molding. And what a difference it makes!
Just Beachy shared her favorite online source for wainscoting at Elite Trimworks. This pic came from their website. Don’t you just love, love this?!
I found this at another source, but can’t remember where. This is what I’m doing in my dining room, since I thought picture frame molding would be the simplest to start with.
Another online example. What a difference moldings can make. I have a feeling I’ll be doing more of this around my house. I’ve been walking around the house to see where else I can squeeze in some moldings, namely a little beadboard. I think the master bathroom might be a good spot.
Another example of paneled molding. I love this too.
So, here’s my humble start with picture frame molding. I started out using nails, but found out that it works better to just glue it up, so I’ll use Liquid Nails for that. Measuring is the hardest part. Just be sure to keep it level all the way around. I’m cutting one set of molding and then I’ll use it for a template for the rest, so they will all be the same. I drew out my squares ahead of time with a pencil, so I could make sure they were all the same. Takes a little bit of math, but I didn’t even have to ask my hubby for help (the math genius!). I measured down from the chair rail 4 1/2” and did the same from the bottom molding. And I am using 5” in between my squares on the large wall. Once I get all the molding cut (which hubby is helping me with), it should go fast from there. Then paint the molding and the walls and I’ll be done.
Here’s a sneak peek of the wall color I’m using. And I didn’t even have to buy the paint. Grandma had bought 2 gallons of paint from Lowes several months ago for her little house (remember the paint fiasco and me taking her back to Lowes to tweak it?) and we ended up letting the painter pick a neutral color for her house, so this paint was left over. And it works great for the neutral I wanted in here! YAY, don’t have to buy more.
Of course, you’ll all see it very soon!
I have no doubt you will do a fabulous job! I added bead board in my kitchen not to long ago and I’m loving it!
BTW, you won my table top frame giveaway this past Monday. Email me with your choice and shipping info:)
As always, it’s going to be great! Your projects are always inspirational.
Since you’re my makeover diva, I must ask a question:
Do you prefer spray paint or traditional? I have a few garage sale finds that I would like to spruce up. They are small pieces, end tables, benches, etc. I would like the ease of spray painting, but worry that it won’t be as durable as I’d like. What do you think?
Thanks, Martha
Hey, Martha, I hope you will come back to see this.
Honestly, for smaller items like my kitchen chairs & that round table top I just paint, spray paint is the way to go. I love Black Satin & it works great on furniture. any brand will work, I usually go to Lowes & get their Valspar brand. If you can get it to go on smoothly on a piece of furniture, then that's all you need to worry about. Really, spray paint is oil based & is VERY durable. I haven't ever had a problem with any of my spray-painted furniture items. The only problem on a large piece with a flat surface is the overlap marks that spraying sometimes leaves. Those little circles that you can see. That I don't like, so that is why sometimes I'll use a foam roller on some of my pieces. But, really spray painting is great on most anything!
I love the way molding and wanscottng look