Did I mention that I love ice cream? Well, I do. Love it lots. Ice cream and me go way back. I have always loved ice cream. Me and hubby have been going to Bruster’s lately (about once a week) & getting waffle cones & boy is it yummy! Of course, it helps that this is in place of dinner some Sunday nights. They keep sending out these, buy one, get one coupons…how can we resist? We can’t! Is there anything better than that creamy, delectible, wondrous stuff called ice cream in the summer? I don’t think so. No way. No how.
My particular favorite from Bruster’s is White Turtle. This is considered a single scoop…aren’t they generous? It’s a creamy vanilla wonder with swirls of caramel & pecans & is just about the most scrumptious thing you could ever put in your mouth. Ice cream is my downfall. I could eat lots & lots of it. But, I don’t. I’d have to work out a whole lot more than I do to keep this off my hips if I ate as much as I wanted. It sure is a treat though. Especially with the heat the way it is this week, 100+! Yikes!
Do you love ice cream too? Tell me you do…what’s your favorite flavor? I bet we have some more this weekend! Gotta eat it fast in this heat.
P.S. Work is really going good. I’m continuing to enjoy the job, the people & what I’m doing. Nice to feel productive again!
My favorite ice cream is from Cold Stones. Its called Founders Favorite. It is vanilla ice cream with brownie and caramel & pecans swirled in it. So YUMMY!!! Great to hear you love your job!
P.S I took my blog down…had to! Hubby didn’t think it was a good idea because he is a Police Officer. 🙁 But I will be reading your blog that’s for sure! Hugs, Nicole
Actually I am NOT an ice cream girl… but we have Graeter’s… which transcends ice cream. And their choclate chip, my favorite, has dark bittersweet chocolate chips the size of golf balls. This isn’t a treat — it’s a religious experience.
Hi Rhoda……….Yes, I love ice cream too! I use to go thru TCBY Yogurt all the time & get the sugarless fatfree kind but then got hooked on the Sonic when we lived at our other location. I love Sonic Oreo Blast. I don’t get them very much living out here 30 minutes from town. Could be a good thing! LOL!
Enjoy your ice cream……hey it is hot in MS too! Bonnie
Yummmm, that looks really good! Strawberry is one of my favorites and so is Coffee icecream, actually, that sounds good right now! 🙂
Glad your job is going well!
Yes!! Love ice cream…banana..and chocolate chip cookie dough…and black raspberry,and if it’s homemade..gotta be peach!! So many flavor’s so little time!! 🙂
enjoyed your site!!
What a wonderfully big cone! And you had a coupon too! Now that IS a treat! I love Moose Tracks…Mint Chocolate Chip…Chocolate Chunk Chip…ooh. Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food. It is delicious!
Okay now…Grace is the ice cream maven in this family. The kid would eat it every day, 3 times a day!
Have a sweet weekend…with a cherry on top!
Finally got around to seeing your blog, I hear about it everywhere! VERY FUN STUFF! I can’t wait to look around some more!
Haagan Daz Coffee Chip.
Thanks for sharing and I am so glad I finally stopped in for a visit!
I love ice cream and I can’t believe that’s a single scoop. They should go around to all the ice cream stores in the country and teach them to give scoops like that. My favorite is mint chocolate chip or anything with chocolate or carmel.
Have a great weekend.
My favorite flavors would have to be Vanilla / Chocolate Better Batter (tastes JUST like cake batter) or Coffee flavor ice cream.
Well, there aren’t any ice cream places around here, so what we eat we buy at the grocery store, but I am partial to Breyers All-Natural Rocky Road. We buy our own cones and scoop up the ice cream.
Yep, ice cream is its own food group for me. We are in love with cake batter ice cream from Cold Stone. I add in white chocolate chips and pecans. What a treat!
I am totally addicted to ice cream too and we have a wonderful little place very close by that serves homemade ice cream. My favorite flavor to get there is graham central station with graham cracker crumbs and chocolate chips. My favorite all time flavor is chocolate peanut butter!
Oh my gosh! I love White Turtle from Brusters also! The first time I got it and asked for it in a waffle cone I just about died, I couldn’t believe how much ice cream they gave me! I kept laughing and as people looked at me like “what a pig!”, I kept feeling a need to explain that I didn’t know it was going to be that much! I could have had a party for small children with all that ice cream!
Uh oh, now I’ve got a craving! I really like waffle cones : )
Wow! That is one heck of a single scoop!
I LOOOOVVVVEEEE ice cream. Make mine Black Raspberry Chip or Mocha Chip (from Greaters), please. 🙂
Looks Delicious… I am a Chocolate chip or anything Caramel…Glad you are enjoying your job. Jamie
That cone looks yummy……I’m a Butter-Pecan girl….or anything with nuts, oh yeah, chocolate almond in a waffle cone….
So glad work is going great…..Betty
I like ice cream but I wouldn’t say it’s my fav dessert of all time. Although my all-time fav flavor is 1) dacquari ice from Baskin Robins and 2) Coconut ice cream from Marble Slab with mini chocolate chips. Unfortunatley, all the Marble Slabs closed around here.
Ice cream is the best in the summer. I love Baskin and Robbins Mint Chip. At the store I’ve been buying one that has dark cherries and chocolate chunks that I love.
Glad to see you posting and to hear the job is going well!
Whoa! How did you manage that big boy AND the camera?
Mmmmm…I think I’m off to peek in my freezer!