Back in 2007, when I started blogging, we all had to learn some technical things along the way. Â It was all brand new to me and I stumbled through it, learning as I went. Â Fast forward to today, 2016, and needless to say, everything has changed since then. Â I never did learn a lot about html. Â Only enough to make me dangerous, but I never really had the time or interest in delving into all things technical in blogging. Â If something breaks on my blog, then I hire a technical person with the know-how to fix it. Â I certainly don’t rely on my skills. Â And I really don’t want to learn all of that. Â I’d rather concentrate on the more fun and creative aspects of blogging.
But, learning about technical issues is certainly a good thing if you are a new blogger and want to know more about html, setting up a WordPress blog, coding, plugins, and more. Â My friend, Lesley, with Chaotically Creative has written an in-depth ebook about working on the technical side, called What the Tech. Â It’s a comprehensive look at behind the scenes of blogging and if you are new to this world, Â you may want to order this book, just to get an idea of what all blogging entails.
Lesley has it all covered in this 281 page ebook. Â I went through the book, all the way to the bottom, with much of it totally over my head. Â As I said, I know enough to be dangerous, but not enough to fix things. Â And my ole’ brain really doesn’t want to learn all this stuff, although it’s great to get into some of it if you are blogging.
I get many questions from folks wanting to start a blog, so I would totally recommend this to someone starting out who knows nothing about setting up a blog, or WordPress, or any of the technical things behind blogging. Â You definitely have to have some know-how of technical issues to blog and to run your blog from the backend of WordPress. Â I’m not a genius with this stuff, but know enough to do what I need to do to write and run my blog. Â The rest….I hire it out!
Lesley is giving away a FREE ebook to one of my readers, so if this is something you’d like to learn more about, this one is for YOU. Â It’s for a $75 Master Package of her new ebook, What the Tech?! Â
If you’d like to win, just enter the Rafflecopter giveaway and leave a comment below, telling me what you’d like to learn the most from a Technical ebook about blogging. Â I know so many new bloggers need something like this, so I’m happy Lesley wrote it. Â So many need this! Â
If you’d like to go ahead and buy the ebook, go here to purchase (affiliate link). I get a small commission for referring my readers. Â It’s definitely something I think is beneficial to all bloggers and wanna be bloggers!Â
Carol S. says
I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog, but have no idea how to do any of the technical aspects, so I need to learn the very basic and build from there. I would love to win the book to get rid of the “paralysis from fear” mode I am currently in.
ana says
I need to know html better.
Pam Clark says
I, too would like to start blogging, but the technical aspects are holding me back. Maybe with a little expert advice, I could get the ball rolling. Thanks for the offer!
Terie says
I would also like to know the basics
Kathryn Dillon says
Hi Rhoda,
I have a website, but would love to know more about the back end so I won’t have to keep bothering my techie for minor changes. I don’t want to break the code as they say!
Patricia says
I replied early this morning but it didn’t post. Boy do I need help..LOL!!! I have been considering starting a blog so I’m sure this will help and come in handy!
Jean from Georgia says
Starting a blog has been a strong interest of mine for several years, although I am not courageous enough to jump in there and make errors for the whole world to see. This is just what I need to get me started. Thanks so much for the offering.
Sharon says
Hi, Rhoda,
I love your blog but thought you might like to know since this is about a techy post that many of your images on the blog come across blurry. Maybe your techy friend has some ideas about that to help you. Just thought you should know. I’m no techy and can’t imagine how hard it is to run a blog! You do a great job ?.
Rhoda says
HI, Sharon, I do know that a a lot of my pics are burry, especially when I do fashion post with the tripod or I’m on the go trying to take pics when I’m out. It’s very hard to get crisp shots in low light, so that is something I’m always working on.
Susanne says
I would love to learn how to start a blog. Thank you for the giveaway. Love your blog.
Andrea D. says
I know nothing about starting a blog, so I’ve been a little intimidated by the idea. This book would help me get over that fear.
angie says
Hi Rhoda, I am eager to learn how to start a blog and would enjoy learning all the technical aspects involved. Thank you for the opportunity.
[email protected] says
Hi Rhoda,
I started a blog about 5 years ago and couldn’t get passed the techy stuff. After leaving elementary teaching and moving to two different college campuses to teach I am submerged in technology, like it or not. I’ve picked up a few of Lesley’s freebies on technology and I can recommend her very clear and simplistic directions. I’ve restarted my blog as a result of some of the techy help I get at the University and Lesley’s very explicit instruction. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels their ole’ brain just doesn’t want to learn it all!!
Charlotte says
The back side of the blog scares me….I’m terrified to change anything for fear of causing problems. Lesley’s book would be a huge help. Thanks
Danyele says
Count me in. I’ve been debating trying my hand at blogging. I love writing, and even though I do know some basic html, I’m still basically clueless.
Linda R says
I have been thinking about starting a blog but have NO CLUE how to do any of the technical things! I would love to win this!!
Suzanne Drews says
~ My husband has been trying to convince me of starting a blog because I was toying with the idea for awhile but lack the self confidence in the all knowing; feel like I’m chaotically confused. So all of this information would be a wonderful way to get my confidence up. Thank you for the offer and I enjoy yours dearly. ~
Faye Cox says
I am just getting into blogging so this book would be invaluable to my efforts to start off on the right foot. Thanks for the opportunity!
Kim S says
Thanks for this opportunity! This is a side I need to learn!
Kim Schwartz says
I am a beginner blogger and would love to start with the information I can utilize from your book.
kathy w says
I get so frustrated when something doesn’t work or crashes. I would love to know what to look for when trouble starts before it becomes a problem. Thanks for the giveaway!