Girls, it’s party time…here’s your chance to share your very favorite yardsale/thriftstore/estate sale find EVER. Even though I could have chosen any NUMBER of wonderful things that I’ve found while yardsaling and thrifting over the last 10 years or so, I think for me it has to be this piecrust table that I shared with y’all earlier this year. It was one of those things that I just stumbled upon out yardsaling that called my name. Even though I really couldn’t afford the $75 that was the asking price at the time, I dug deep and bought it anyway and I’m so glad I did. Since I love older furniture SO much, this piece is a treasure. and even though it didn’t come from my family, it will be part of our family from here on out.
I was not fortunate enough to come from a family (on either side) that had fine, precious antique pieces, but didn’t let that stop me. Buy someone else’s family history! This is one of those pieces that I’ll treasure always.
They just don’t make furniture like this anymore….well, they do, but certainly not for $75!
One of my very faithful blog readers, Kathy in the Boston area, who doesn’t have a blog wanted to play along too, so I’m sharing a pic from her house. She found this beautiful hutch for $75 at a sale and treasures it too. Great score, Kathy! For those of you who pay attention to wall colors, Kathy’s color is Ben Moore Beach Glass, a very popular light blue.
One of my real life friends in Georgia, Judy, sent me these 2 pics of HER favorite finds. The tole tray was purchased from The Bunnie’s Bungalow (sweet Debra) and now graces the wall of Judy’s kitchen. Not sure how much this beauty was.
And Judy found this $75 trunk, now a fabulous coffee table, at an antique store in Georgia.
Another of my very sweet readers, Sheila in Florida, sent me these pics of her very favorite china pattern, Hunting Scene, made by Coalport and Wedgewood. She got an 8 place setting closeout set at an antique store for $200. That sounds like a great deal to me.
Please! No one else send me anymore pics now. I can’t go back and keep editing this post all day. We’ll all just have to enjoy all the links. I’m SO excited to see all these links already and SO happy that so many of you wanted to play. Yipppeeeee!
Now, how about you?! I can’t wait to go and visit all of YOU to see what your favorite find of all time will be! Just add your link to Mr. Linky and we’ll all be by to visit. The party officially starts on Thursday a.m., but we’ll all need time to add links. All you need to do is go to your specific post that you want to link about your yardsale find (not JUST your blog URL)….right click & highlight that posts’s URL, then come here and add your blog name AND paste that URL right there on Mr. Linky. And don’t forget to post a link from your party post back to THIS post so that everyone can come and join the party!
That’s it…Let the party begin!
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Hi, Rhoda …
This was such a fun idea and I appreciate you taking the time to invite us to participate.
Your piecrust table is absolutely exquisite and is truly a treasure. I’m sure you whispered an “Oh, be still my heart!” to yourself when you saw it and it’s price tag!
I just finished posting my “Favorite Find,” and am looking forward to seeing everyone else’s treasures.
Thanks, again …
Thanks, Rhoda, for hosting this great party. I am having fun reading comments on my blog (thanks for leaving one) and also seeing all the other great finds!
I wrote a post about an awesome yard sale find a while back, so that is what I posted. I hope you all like it! Love your blog!
How fun! I have found many things at thrift stores and just did a blog on it yesterday. Thank you for letting us put all of our finds on here. You are the best!!
I love a good party! I just updated my bloggy with some things I love in my home. Thanks for hosting. Didn’t realize you were in my neck of the woods. I’m a little south of Bham. 🙂
— Brandi
OOOH! How long will this be up? I would like to play along but I have a 300th post thing scheduled for tomorrow. Doh! I may just sign up and play this weekend.
What a great idea!!
Oops!! Sorry I got your name wrong. It won’t happen again I promise. 🙂 Thanks for correcting me.
I remember when you posted about your table, Rhoda. I loved it then and I still do 🙂 You do know how to get those bargains! The items your readers/friends shared are wonderful, too! I loved all of them. The corner cabinet was wonderful, as was the trunk and the dishes! It looks like you had alot of folks sign up for this thrifty share! Fun, fun!!!
Hi Rhoda 🙂
I hope I’m not too late to play along.
You know I love that piecrust table 🙂
Rhoda…I am so slow getting around…will it be ok if I post my favorite thrifty find tomorrow (Friday)?? I just GOTTA get in on all the fun, ya know…
You are so sweet to do this fun thing…Many thanks…
And, that table is to die for!!
love, bj
thanks so much Rhoda..i left my link today…I can’t wait to browse everyone’s site to see the great deals.
Hi Rhoda, I’m enjoying the party. We’ve had a very busy couple of days, running here and there.
Although I didn’t get in on the party, I posted about one of my favorite finds, in a post about J’s Aunt Ruth, today.
Love that piecrust table. Kathy and Judy’s finds are fabulous, too!
Sorry forgot Sheila. Told ya, it’s been a busy couple of days! I love her find, also.
Your table is quite lovely! Great purchase!
What a fun idea Rhoda! Thanks for letting me play along!
This was fun! Thanks for hosing this!
Oh Rhoda, I missed posting for the party, but I sure had fun visiting everyone and seeing their treasures!
Congratulations on your feature in the newspaper! I read it and loved it. You are truly a yard-sale diva!
I love that table and I think it is such a great find! Jen R
Hey Rhoda,
Your table is absolutely gorgeous. I love the detailing. Your so nice to post other pictures for the people that don’t have a blog. They have lot’s of great finds too.
Are you partied out yet?
Brandee 🙂
I am a blog newbie, also, and I ran out of time today. I had already posted a blog picture of my chair, so I just added a little info.