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I’ve been asked again to speak at an online Christian Women’s conference with Women of Passionate Pursuit and it’s coming up this Tuesday, August 31st. I just found out that we can give away 10 tickets to this online event, so if you’d like to attend, please leave a comment. This is online only, so you don’t even have to get out of your PJ’s. In fact, I just might keep mine on too. 🙂
If I get more than 10 who would like to participate, I’ll do a random drawing and then let you know how to get your free tickets.
I’ll be speaking on 10 Tips for Decorating on a Budget, which is the same topic I did last time, so if you happened to hear that one, it will be pretty much the same. But, there will be many other inspiring women sharing on several heartfelt topics that you just may want to get in on.
This online retreat is called Falling into Grace, so I’m sure many of you would enjoy it. You can click over to Women of Passionate Pursuit to find out all the details on this upcoming online retreat. If you do win the tickets, you will need to listen in “live” to the retreat that day, August 31st, so just be aware of that.
Just leave a comment!
Layla, from The Lettered Cottage and I are heading up to the Nashville Flea market today. We’ve heard great things about it, so can’t wait to check it out. I think we’ll be browsing around with Kim at Twice Remembered also. You know that’s gonna be fun and I’ll be sure and take lots of pics!
Can’t wait! I’ve heard fun things about this flea market.
I love the Nashville Flea Market. We always find tons of goodies, usually “outback” under the sheds!
Carol in GA
Thanks for hosting this giveaway, Rhoda!
I’ve never heard of an on-line retreat before – sounds interesting! I especially like that I can ‘show up’ in my jammies : )
This sounds wonderful ~ thank you for the opportunity.
Enjoy your shopping!
An on-line retreat? Sounds great and I would love to be included.Have a happy day of shopping.
I would love to win this for my daughter. As a young Christian stay at home mom this would be great for her!
Sounds fun! I’m a new reader – we are building a house so I’ve been searching out all the inspiring decorating blogs I can find – I love yours! I’d love to attend this online retreat 🙂
What a generous giveaway.
The retreat sound wonderful. I’ll be praying for you.
Would love to “attend” this event! Thanks for the chance of doing so.
Have a great time at the flea market! Take lots of pictures in manual mode. 😉
That sounds very intersting and I would love to attend! And not having to get out of your pj’s makes it even better!
Won’t be able to join the online event… I’ll be back in the classroom. I can’t wait to see pics of you and my other favorite blogger, Layla. Have fun.
Sounds great! I would love to attend.
I would LOVE to listen in.
Would love to join the online retreat. Sounds like fun a wonderful online Christian fellowship. Thanks for the opportunity. Hope I’m note to late!
Stalker?!?! Who me?!?!?!
No, really…….I’m perfectly innocent. Well, MOSTLY innocent (I’d like to think I have a silly and occasional wicked sense of humor and even every now and then a potty mouth for the sake of a good laugh, so I’m not a goody two shoes all the time though I’d rather cut my entire leg off than be mean to someone) so…..
Since I’m not much of a stalker and am “mostly” innocent……
I would LOVE to go up with you some time if you’re making a trip up to Nashville to shop fleas, antiques, thrift stores……
Huntsville (and I live to the West of the city right near I-65) is right on your way up!!
Now, I know you don’t know me yet…well, I guess you kind of do after over a year of my rambling notes…..
But the only thing I inappropriately stalk are the new boots (I LOVE BOOTS) in the winter at Dillards because I refuse to pay full retail for them so I never buy them, but I DO go by the store and that shoe section just to stalk them….
So, I promise I’m nice 🙂
All jokes aside, I’d love to go up to Nashville with you some time.
But, no pressure. You probably have a gazillion folks who write you with the same offer!!!
Actually, I was just in Nashville yesterday–seriously! I had a Vanderbilt appointment and then Tom and I went on up to Ky (Bowling Green is just about 45 miles north of NashVEGAS) to see my parents for their 50th anniversary.
I used to go to Nashville a lot growing up to sing, etc. and then when I lived in VA I traveled back when I was making my first CD/started touring so much and many of my music friends/producers still live there and I meet them up there.
Anyway……so, no pressure, but if you’d ever like a travel companion who promises to buy you lunch or gasoline or at the very least to be silly and make you laugh so the trip doesn’t seem so long, then I’m your gal!!
If not, no worries–I’ll still follow your wonderful blog and leave these rambling messages that I hope bring a smile to your face!
would love a ticket! thanks
and i would love to go to the Nashville Flea Market! hope you have fun! maybe one of these days I will get down to visit that area.
Right up my alley, I would love to listen in:)
Hope you’ll draw my name for the online retreat!
I’d love to attend an online retreat – what a fun (and practical) idea!
I would love to “attend”!! I would wear my slippers and robe! Pick me!!