A newly thrifted linen skirt (from yardsale) and blouse (from Salvation Army), total cost $7. Skirt from J. Crew, blouse Gap. Not a great pic, but you get the idea. They were ironed, but you know how linen is. I wore this to church yesterday.
Here’s the cute little cotton/linen skirt from J. Crew I was wearing in the pic closeup. Perfect for summer and perfect with my turquoise necklace & earrings.
Of course, I hit another yardsale on Friday a.m. and Sat. a.m. and brought home a few more things. This 25 cents little clock will be painted red and added to our new patio area.
And here’s my best find of the week: You may remember this oil painting I have in my livingroom. I actually got this at a house sale many years ago in Atlanta for $20 (unframed), along with several other paintings that I have in my house to this day. This is a standard 24×36 frame and I had always thought I’d like to change it out eventually to something nicer. We have several nice oil painting galleries around Birmingham and I’ve looked in several of them. Of course, oil paintings are not cheap, so I passed them on by and figured I’d run across a deal eventually. And as is usual for me, I found the deal at a yardsale, no less! This was just about the same situation as before when I bought the other paintings. Some individual had purchased a gallery of paintings from a friend and was trying to resell them cheap, or so the story goes.
I looked through the stack and came up with 2 that I really liked and eventually chose this one, a Venice scene. I’ve been to Venice, so it’s extra special for me and I love European architecture too. This is a shot with a little more light coming in and the next one is natural light, no flash.
It has very pretty colors and I love the tones in it. I know it’s not a masterpiece, but it works for me and the price was great at $25. The reds and golds look great in the livingroom.
All I had to do was pop out the first frame and put this one in. This is further back. It’s hard to get an accurate pic of my wall color. It’s actually more gold than this shows.
And you can see how it works with the whole room. I just love it and it really changes the whole look in here! So you see once again, you just never know what you will find at a yardsale.
I love that yellow tiered basket. I have been looking for one myself, but haven’t seen any like that… and for that price!
I love the painting! I immediately recognized that it was Venice before even reading it since we were there back in March. Everything you found yard saleing was exciting!
I also love the yellow tiered basket, too cute! You just find the neatest stuff! I haven’t even gone to any yardsales or thrift stores in so long, been so tied up with other things. 🙁
Oh how I wish we were neighbors! Susie H
I so enjoy perusing your blog! It’s always filled with nice surprises to see and some yummy morsels too…I haven’t tried the pineapple strawberry shortcake as of yet, but I will…my question to you is….How do you stay the size of a “cricket” with such goodie to eat? It must be you’ve learned the trick of portion control or you have the metabolism of a gnat…LOL… All the best to you, Brown-Eyes
I believe we are going to have to crown you queen of yard sales. You can don your tiara each day you go.
You found great things again this week.
I wanted so badly to go yard sale shopping, but it was rainy this weekend. You got some great finds!
Thank you for your camera advice. I’m still researching, but appreciate the time you took to write me about it.
You do seem to have incredible yard sales in your area. Either that or you have incredible LUCK! :)) Either way, I love what you’ve done with everything! Thanks so much for sharing.
Hey Rhoda! Hopefully I’ll be picking up the little bug this afternoon. I am planning on driving it to B’ham right now but since we haven’t tested it on the road yet, I might be bringing the ole’ gas guzzler! Don’t want to break down on the interstate in an unfamiliar car!
I’m so excited about Friday! I’ll be e-mailing or calling you later this week but the plans are the same…meet at your house about 10:30!
Thanks for stopping by, girls!
Brown-Eyes, you made me laugh out loud with that comment! I probably do have an extra-fast metabolism, since I’ve been working out for over 25 years. I started exercising when I was young, just so I could try to stay in shape as I got older AND so I could eat what I wanted to. So far, it’s working pretty well! And I’m still exercising about 4-5 days a week. So that’s my secret. Oh, and I don’t eat all those sweets every day (even though I’d love to!). I have a huge sweet-tooth and if it was around the house, I’d eat them all the time, so I try to just do those sweets every so often & for special occasions.
Most days, I do try to eat and cook fairly healthy, but other days I pig out with the best of them…and keep on sweatin’ & burnin the calories as best I can.
Thanks for a good laugh,
Lots of good finds! I especially love the yellow tiered basket and the skirt.
Wow! You found some good things this time out. I love the yellow fruit basket. Your big picture is fantastic. Perfect! ~Adrienne~
I love how you thrift, girl! Fab outfit for summer and that tiered yellow basket is to die for!
🙂 Rosie
Hi Rhoda,
I need to go shopping with you. You always find the nicest things. Love it all but since Venice is one of my very favorite places I especially love the painting. Great finds. Been catching up on your Fla. posts and I love the beach homes, that bright pink one is cool. Hope you have a great week.
Ok, Rhondi, that’s it! Come up to New York and estate sale shop with me, please?? I need your eye for a good thing! All here..great!
YOU are the Yardsale Queen, for certain! I am so envious of your yellow tiered basket (looks like I’m not the only one 😉 I also enjoy seeing your finds! Thanks for sharing!
I am so jealous….I think it would be worth it to drive to B’ham just for the garage sales. I love, love that yellow tiered basket!!
and thanks for that incredible cake recipe!!!!
I just love everything you found. Wow, I guess you go to some really good ones. I have not been to a garage sale in years. I just don’t think of doing it.
Again great finds.
Hi Rhoda, I love that painting!!! I recieved my treasures from your give a way on Saturday. I love them all, I have even found a couple of mins to look at the Ethan Alan Book. My life has been sooo busy the past few days with Alex’s graduation. I will find places for Rhoda Treasures this week and will post pics later also. Thank you so much for the give away, that was so nice of you, I will have to pay it forward, so keep watching…Nancy
You found some great bargains! Like so many others, I love the yellow tiered basket.
Have a wonderful week!