A newly thrifted linen skirt (from yardsale) and blouse (from Salvation Army), total cost $7. Skirt from J. Crew, blouse Gap. Not a great pic, but you get the idea. They were ironed, but you know how linen is. I wore this to church yesterday.
Here’s the cute little cotton/linen skirt from J. Crew I was wearing in the pic closeup. Perfect for summer and perfect with my turquoise necklace & earrings.
Of course, I hit another yardsale on Friday a.m. and Sat. a.m. and brought home a few more things. This 25 cents little clock will be painted red and added to our new patio area.
And here’s my best find of the week: You may remember this oil painting I have in my livingroom. I actually got this at a house sale many years ago in Atlanta for $20 (unframed), along with several other paintings that I have in my house to this day. This is a standard 24×36 frame and I had always thought I’d like to change it out eventually to something nicer. We have several nice oil painting galleries around Birmingham and I’ve looked in several of them. Of course, oil paintings are not cheap, so I passed them on by and figured I’d run across a deal eventually. And as is usual for me, I found the deal at a yardsale, no less! This was just about the same situation as before when I bought the other paintings. Some individual had purchased a gallery of paintings from a friend and was trying to resell them cheap, or so the story goes.
I looked through the stack and came up with 2 that I really liked and eventually chose this one, a Venice scene. I’ve been to Venice, so it’s extra special for me and I love European architecture too. This is a shot with a little more light coming in and the next one is natural light, no flash.
It has very pretty colors and I love the tones in it. I know it’s not a masterpiece, but it works for me and the price was great at $25. The reds and golds look great in the livingroom.
All I had to do was pop out the first frame and put this one in. This is further back. It’s hard to get an accurate pic of my wall color. It’s actually more gold than this shows.
And you can see how it works with the whole room. I just love it and it really changes the whole look in here! So you see once again, you just never know what you will find at a yardsale.
Ooooooh, I love yard sales and thrift stores!! You found some great things and they look lovely in your beautiful home. I love the paintings and the wire basket – so pretty!! You are quite the decorator, as well – your things look really pretty!!!
Nice to meet you Rhoda! I saw the posts Kat did where she mentioned how you all got to meet recently and spend some time together. I enjoyed reading about your visit and I am so glad to meet you. Thanks or coming by. Hope to see you soon – Kellan
I rec’d all of my goodies last week. Thanks so much! I’ve enjoyed looking thru the EA book, and discovering all of the decorating styles. Fun yardsale finds, too!
I love the teired basket. What a good price you got on everything!
Gosh you find the best stuff! Taht painting is amazing!!!
Always such perfect finds…and I never fail to love how you use them!
That tiered basket is wonderful!
I love the painting so much in your living room! The colors just pop! I like the yellow basket too!
You did good!
I went to yard sales too…..will have to post some pics…
Oh Rhoda..what great finds!! I have not started yard saleing yet..school will be out soon and so will I…lurking in the trees on Friday and Saturday mornings..LOL!!
I really like that little yellow basket. It reminds me of one in our dinning area when I was growing up….Mary
Great blog…I found it through a link to another blog. I love flea markets, auctions and garage sales too! The yellow basket is adorable, and what a great idea with the clock.
Diane from MS.
It’s so fun to see into your house… my favorite? The yellow tiered basket!
Happy Day, Rhoda!
Oh! My! Gosh! Rhonda!!
I am so glad that you stopped by my blog and commented. I adore your blog! Adore! I am so adding it to my list of “distractions”.
So, did you find that green basket at a yard sale? You are so good. The sales I hit always are junky, but I love a good sale.
I have been telling nester she needs to come to my house to put my stuff in it’s place. I think she would if we were closer. I just do not know how to “stage”. You have that gift too. And it is a gift! Great buys!
SO happy to meet you! I will be back.
Thank you for stopping by and the encouragement for us regarding our dear “mickey.” I visit often and will have to comment when I do!
Have a blessed day!
Lovely Rhoda…I’m serious, I’m packing and coming to go shopping with you! And for glorious shots of Venice, please please go visit Merisi (I adore her) at http://merisi.blogspot.com her blog is Vienna for Beginners…you will love this site, I promise!
Hi Rhoda! What great deals you found. I love that yellow tiered basket. What great bargains!
I’m catching up today and probably tomorrow too! I’m moving sort of slow, after the extended weekend.
I love the yellow tiered stand!
Very nice!!! Lovely outfit, too! I love a bargain!! You have such a gorgeous home…I’m gettin’ there!!
Great finds there Rhoda. I’m especially fond of the skirt. Lovely shade.
You did good! Love the skirt and that yellow tiered basket is so so so cute! What a fabulous find!
What great things you found and so many. I felt lucky to find just one good item the last time I hit some yard sales. It was a McCormick teapot with infuser in a lovely deep pink color for $2. Like so many of your other readers, I love the yellow tiered basket.
Rhoda, if you go to http://merisi.blogspot.com/ and look to the right you’ll find her archives…you won’t be sorry…it’s Mac’s family that is from Alabama…Selma actually…his sisters live in Daphne…