Back in January, I featured Buck’s charming bungalow on my Feature Friday series and you all went NUTS over his house.
If you missed it, go look now!  It’s a completely renovated inside the perimeter bungalow that Buck remodeled and decorated with the help of some professionals. He’s not a designer, but he should be and his feature got the most comments of any Feature Friday I’ve ever done.
I’ll be heading back to his house very soon to photograph his backyard, which is stunning as well. Â Can’t wait to see it in full bloom!
So, Buck and I are now friends and he contacted me recently to let me know that he and a business partner had just purchased a 1950’s fixer upper on the Westside of Atlanta that he is renovating and flipping. Â Did I want to take pics and feature the Before and After story on my blog? Â Why, yes yes I do! Â
Today, I’ll share the Before pics. Â Buck had a little house flipping party and invited some friends over to see the house in it’s shabby state, before Buck gets ahold of it. Â He’s taking 60 days to flip this house and I can’t wait to see the afters. Of course, I’ll get to share all the details with all of you too! Â It’s almost charming, but not quite. Â Houses like this were quite the norm back then, small and cozy.
Inside the front door, I couldn’t help but notice the curtain over the front door window. Â I think it will have to come down, don’t you?
The small living room. Â Buck had drawn on the wall a design board and asked us all to give our opinions on what should happen in the house.
So we did. Â It will be fun to go back and see what all happens. Â He mentioned taking down the wall between the living room and kitchen to open it up more and I completely agreed with that idea.
Here’s the large picture window in the living room. Those are Mexican restaurant tokens on the table that look like a smiley face. I know someone will ask about that.
The kitchen has obviously not been touched in a very long time  The green looks like the 70’s era exploded in here, so maybe that is the case.
This relic of an avocado green stove will no doubt be replaced.
And that floor, there are no words. Â This linoleum has seen better days. Â Ahh, the wallpaper takes me straight back to the 70’s.
I swear my mother had this exact wallpaper up in her kitchen way back then. Â I sure do remember this and if it wasn’t the same, it was similar. Â Is there a worst decade for design than the 70’s? Â I don’t think there is.
All of this will be gutted and new cabinets installed.
This made me laugh. Â It seems at some point, various carpets were all the rage in homes. Â Let’s put a different color in each room, why don’t we? Â Talk about disjointed. Buck discovered hardwoods under all the carpets, so that is a good thing!
There’s only one small bathroom now.
This room is a pass through room to an added on master bedroom. Â Where the green tape is will be a newly carved out master bath.
This is the corner master bedroom.
It has a long and deep closet, so Buck was trying to figure out what to do here. Can’t wait to see what he ends up doing. Â It’s such a deep closet that half of it could be reconfigured into the bedroom space.
Another front bedroom with red carpet.
The house has some great looking doors, so that’s a nice touch.
Buck sent me some photos with renovations already starting. Â It now has a new roof and the interior gutting has begun. That kitchen wall did come down and they discovered hardwoods under the old kitchen linoleum. Â Can’t wait to see how those hardwoods all come together and hopefully he can save them all.
Buck shared the floor plan drawing, so you can see that below. Â The added bedroom is below, so scroll down, for those of you asking about it.
This will be a very fun story to follow, so I know you all will enjoy this as much as I do!
It’s turning out to be a busy summer for me. Â Buck has a historic house up in Abbeville, SC that some girlfriends and I got to stay in a few days ago, so I’ll be sharing all about that trip soon.
You may notice that I’m skipping days here and there this summer in my blog posting. I just want to enjoy the summer and all that it holds this year, so I’m taking off more days and enjoying the sunshine.  Pool and lake time are high on my summer list this year and I’m planning a beach trip in September with my girlfriends.  Life is good!
I’ve also been invited to go on the Longest Yardsale with GMC this year, so that is going to be an exciting adventure in August as well.  Of course, I’ll blog about all of this, so stay tuned.  This week will be a busy one too, as Haven starts July 16th and goes through the 18th, so I will be a very busy girl this week.  I may or may not have as many blog posts up this week.  Lauren is coming home and will be here during Haven and my sister is keeping Parker the following week, so I can’t wait to get some baby snuggling time in too!
Busy summer y’all! Hope you are having a great summer yourselves! Â Stay cool!
Can’t wait to see the finished results! At one time that green kitchen would’ve been considered stylin’! lol
I LOVE that wallpaper, too! It’s so ugly that it’s pretty…well, pretty to me! Those old ovens with the little “left” oven on the side (my Mom used to cook her biscuits in there)…the golds and greens and browns…the linoleum floors…mercy, it just takes me back! But Buck’s keen eye for design is something else! I can’t wait to see the outcome! Love, love, love reading your blog, Rhoda! I rarely miss a day!
Could you tell me the colors you used on the outside of Buck’s House, including the shutters. LOVE IT! Wd like to use these colors on my house. Thanks!
HI, Teresa, the color I remember Buck mentioned for the exterior is Retreat by Sherwin Williams. Don’t know about the shutters.