My 64th birthday just came and went, which always makes me stop and think a bit. Getting older is definitely not for sissies and even though I don’t like the years to be adding up so much, I will take every one of them. Looking in the mirror certainly has its challenges more now and I see more lines, more saggy skin, and a generally older me staring back. At times, I think who is that person I see, but I know that this is something we all face and deal with in our own ways.
So, here’s a little Christmas coffee chat today. I haven’t talked a lot about aging since I turned 60, a big milestone on its own. If you missed that post, it’s a good long one! The years sure are ticking by fast. Next year will be Medicare year. Oh boy!
Mark took me on a fun birthday outing over the weekend and that was fun. We did this same outing last year at Christmas and enjoyed it a lot. There’s a little schoolhouse in Cumming, GA, about an hour from us and they have a nice restaurant in there as well as a little playhouse. I think it’s called School Street Playhouse and the restaurant is Tam’s Backstage and the food is very good.
Green Sweater from Banana Republic (affiliate link), scarf is sold out! Camel Cardigan from Banana Republic also.
We had dinner first and then saw A Christmas Carol on stage. Such a fun evening out and perfect for getting us in the mood for Christmas. They sold very limited tickets so it was a safe environment. We were far away from others.
It was nice to get dressed up for a night out. A selfie for my birthday! Overall, I feel pretty good. Still have aches and pains and looking in the mirror these days is a little sad, but I’m grateful for life and happiness. God has been so good to me and I definitely don’t take that for granted. I’m grateful for Mark and being married to him for over 3 years. We’ve been together 5 years now and that’s gone by so fast. Life is good.
I see a lot of Botox, puffy lips, and very smooth skin out there in ladies my age and no offense to anyone who chooses that route, I’m just going to continue my routine of skin care and aging as gracefully as I can: lines, sags, creases and all.
So here’s a little bit about our Thanksgiving that I didn’t share with you until now. We had a Covid scare with our family being exposed, but all is well now.
Lauren and her family all came home for Thanksgiving and we were planning a nice family get together at my sister’s house. Unfortunately Iris was exposed to Covid at school, she tested negative before they came and then was tested again while they were here, the 3rd day and she was positive then. We all scrambled and they packed up and left the day before Thanksgiving and headed back home to isolate. So that meant mom and I especially had been exposed, as well as Renee and Bruce. Which also meant Mark and dad were exposed through us as well, even though they weren’t in the house with them. So none of us spent Thanksgiving day together, which seemed very strange. We all had Thanksgiving at home and it wasn’t so bad, still ate turkey and dressing and we shared food with each other, picked up outside and brought home.
We all stayed home for more than 10 days to be sure we didn’t have it and thankfully none of us got sick. Lauren did get sick the day after she got home and she tested positive too. She didn’t see the baby for several days. She stayed in their bedroom and Philip took care of all 3 girls. He and Parker were fine and didn’t get it either. Now everyone is reunited, they are way past the 14 days and Lauren is getting better. Her worse symptom was a cough and it didn’t get worse than that, but she did lose taste and smell which she is not enjoying.
It was so nice to see them for a few days even though our plans were interrupted. I just hate this virus and hope and pray it gets better so that we can all get back to somewhat of a normal life next year.
It was great to see the girls. Parker has lost her two front teeth, but you can’t see it here. They are growing up and are taking well to being big sisters. I didn’t get to hug Iris while they were here, but they will all be back for Christmas so we hope to make up for our short visit next time. I’m so thankful that the rest of us are feeling fine and we didn’t get the virus at this point. Some people asked me if we got tested and no, we didn’t since we never had any symptoms.
I do have a few things I pulled together for you, a gift guide that has some fun things to share. You all seem to like plaid a lot, so there’s a little more on here.
These are all linked below if you’re interested. I think these are some fun gift and fashion ideas for the season if you’re looking for something for a special person. From scarves, PJs, Christmas mugs, and more, these are fun. There are even some bookmarks for the reader in the family. Those round plaid things are coasters. (affiliate links used below)
You look great not a day older…. Don’t worry about aging you are doing it VERY WELL. I miss you guys. Glad to read the posts! Glad your mom and dad did not get Covid. David and I both had it in October! Not fun! Merry Christmas to you and Mark!
Merry Christmas, Andrea! Miss seeing you too, so sorry you and David got it.
You look amazing. You’ve taken great care of yourself.
I’m so glad everyone is doing okay!
Getting older is challenging but in so many ways I am living my best life! You look great! I love the green with cheetah! Is it new??
Hi, Nyla, thank you, that green sweater is new, I think I shared it in previous Fashion posts. It’s from Banana Republic I’ll link it here. The scarf is from there too and sold out.
I think you look fabulous! And would love to know if you do anything special to keep your teeth so white??
HI, Susan, I ordered Zoom gel whitening online and use it about once a month or so. Got it off Amazon and it works amazingly well. You need a tray of some sort to use it with and I have a retainer that I use from when I got Invisalyn 10 years ago.
I’ve said this many times and will continue…Thanks for being real❤️ Sounds like a wonderful Birthday celebration! Every Day is a gift. So, glad everyone escaped Covid problems. It’s definitely an odd virus with everyone experiencing different issues. Enjoy the season 🎄
You look beautiful and your honesty with your readers is appreciated because I for one feel the same way about getting older. Happy to hear everyone in the family weathered the COVID-19 scare well.
My birthday is next weekend and I’ll be at the 60 milestone. So I can totally relate to “embracing” the wrinkles and few sags without the botox treatment. Smiling shows your inner beauty and I too thank God for all that I have. Keep going girl….64 looks good on you. 😉 Cindy
Sending belated well wishes for your birthday. I rolled over year number 66 in November; yes, it’s a different-looking me in the mirror, but in my mind I’m still 40. LOL I echo the comments that you are lovely – with your creamy complexion and shiny hair and eyes. Some days I feel the need for fillers or Botox, but too much upkeep. ~winky face~ The ‘mug shot’ of Parker is a keeper, and the baby is just precious. Merry Christmas to you and your extended family.
Thank you, Becky, I agree all of those treatments are just too much money, so I’m going the easy route. I have been on Retin-A for a year, but not seeing the hype so far. I may look into more of those kinds of skincare products.
So thankful your precious parents did not catch the virus at their age! Glad everyone is doing well.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. You look very attractive! I just wanted to share that Retin-A ($180) will help to get rid of any wrinkles and using Obaji skin products daily. I use Dr. Gross in Cumming/Northside Hospital. He has a separate spa area for facials/chemical peels ($150) which will really do the trick. You look good but I understand we all want to look better. Treat yourself to a year of facial treatments. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and 2021 brings happiness and good health!
Thanks Sandy, I’m currently on Retin A by Obagi, but I’m not seeing that much difference. I’ve been using it all year. I may look into doing more facial things, since I did IPL a year ago too.
Hi Rhoda, so glad your family dodged that bullet. Happy belated birthday, 64 looks good on you.
Even though there are ‘no symptoms’, one can still be positive and can spread it to others. The elderly are especially at risk. Everyone should be tested.
Sorry Debra, we are not going to be tested. I don’t buy all the hype of this virus.
So happy that you had an awesome birthday! You look great! Would you let us know what your skincare regiman is? Love your hairstyle with the wisp of bangs on the side. Hope y’all have a very Merry Christmas!
Thank you, Teresa, I am using Retin A several times a week for about a year. And I use a variety of other skincare things, but I don’t stay on the same things all the time. I’m using some serums that were sent to me now.
Sorry Debra, we are not going to be tested. I don’t buy all the hype of this virus.
Not very responsible of you, especially with elderly parents.
It is not recommended that everyone be tested way after being exposed to this virus. You might not agree with that, but we followed what was suggested by the CDC. 10 days away from people if there are no symptoms. NONE of us had symptoms and we didn’t get around my parents until after 14 days. We followed the recommendations. I still don’t buy all the hype!
According to the CDC, over fourteen million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with Covid, and almost 300 thousand have died (almost 10 thousand in Georgia alone). My son is a respiratory therapist and daily is losing patients to this disease. He is heartbroken. To say that this is “hype” is disrespectful to those who have lost family members and to our brave health care workers who put their lives on the line daily. Your family was lucky. Thousands of others were not.
I totally agree Becky. Please thank your son for everything he is doing. This is tragic that a lot of people think this is hype. We are losing 2000 people every single day to this horrible disease. True colors have been shown in 2020 and unfortunately it has realigned who I want to spend my time with and that includes who I follow on FB and IG. Roda, you lost me with this and I have been a follower for years and years. We all have choices, I realize that, so this is mine. And I have to say, I just don’t understand the risk you put your Mom and Dad in every time you see them. I have an 81 year old Mother and I know that not seeing her is saving her life so I can see her when we all get the vaccine.
Everyone, please mask up, stay away from anyone that you are not in your home with day in and day out.
Have a good life Roda…..
Sally, I’m sorry you feel the need to leave over this. We all have to do what we feel is right. I have the right to think the way I want to and these are my opinions. I do wear masks and take normal precautions in living my everyday life with this virus out there. We have chosen to still see each other as a family and that’s a chance we are willing to take, my parents included.
Becky, I really do get it. I should have said overly hyped. I know that this virus is real and deadly, I’m not negating that. But I also think it’s been politicized to a big extent. We all have our own opinions on this and even though I haven’t lost anyone in my close circle of friends and family, I know others who have. I’m not at all saying it’s not real, but I stand by my comments.
Rhoda! I’ve been following you the beginning and you are still as pretty as ever! I’ll be 64 next April! Please tell me about IPL and if it’s ok for sensitive skin. Merry Christmas to you and your precious family! 🎄❤️🎄
Thank you, Cindy, here’s a post I wrote about IPL. I have fair skin, so check it out.
Happy birthday! It’s refreshing to hear you say you aren’t into all of the cosmetic “enhancements” so many are these days. Especially those much younger than we are (I’m 63). I do, however, like to keep my teeth white and wondered if you could share the link to the Zoom product you use? There are SO many strengths and brands out there!
Hi, Rhonda, this is the one I got. It’s even cheaper now than when I bought it earlier this year. I’ll definitely buy it again.
Thank you!😁
Now I’m singing “When I’m 64”:) You look great – glad you are all okay. And I completely agree with your feelings towards corona.
You are, of course, allowed to feel the way you feel about the virus. While I personally would have been tested after being in close contact, that was your choice. Many people are positive and spreading the virus but have absolutely no symptoms. That is a fact. But once again, your choice. But your comment about you don’t buy all the hype just shows how lucky your family is…..those that have lost someone dear to us understand, unfortunately, what all the hype is.
Cheryl, I get it, I really do. I know of friends and even other family members who have lost those close to them. It’s a real & sometimes deadly virus, but unfortunately it’s been politicized. That’s my opinion. I take it seriously to a certain degree, but do not feel that everyone has to be tested if you are exposed to the virus. I do not see any need for that, we followed guidelines and waited it out over 14 days until we saw our parents again. We all have to make decisions for ourselves and our families as we get the information to make those decisions. I think our decision was soundly made and I’ll leave it at that.
Rhoda, you are beautiful — and so is your heart! You always look so pretty! Love the pictures of you and Mark! So glad that you found one another!
Glad you had such a great birthday celebration! That place sounds so nice! I wish we lived closer so we could go, too! Hopefully, one year when we are on our way to Texas for winter, we can stop by and take in dinner and the show. Will keep this in mind.
That picture of the new little baby with your dear Mom is so beautiful!
So happy that Lauren and her family are doing well. Also, glad that your sister and hubby and your Mom and Dad and you and Mark did not get the virus.
Have a great week! Thanks for all the work you do in putting your post together. Enjoy each one.
Thank you, Mary-Ann! We enjoyed our outing for sure.
I find your comment about “not buying the hype” totally irreponsible and reckless. Also, very reckless of Lauren to bring her family to Atlanta after they had been exposed. From some your posts you did not quarantine for the recommended time.
Lynne, as usual you are a pot stirrer, so I could delete your comment but I’ll leave it up. This post was not meant to be political in any way, but a sharing of family life. If you all don’t agree with how we handled this situation, that’s fine with me. We all have to make these decisions for ourselves and I’m grateful that none of the rest of us got sick. And yes, we did quarantine the right amount of days. You don’t know.