My 64th birthday just came and went, which always makes me stop and think a bit. Getting older is definitely not for sissies and even though I don’t like the years to be adding up so much, I will take every one of them. Looking in the mirror certainly has its challenges more now and I see more lines, more saggy skin, and a generally older me staring back. At times, I think who is that person I see, but I know that this is something we all face and deal with in our own ways.
So, here’s a little Christmas coffee chat today. I haven’t talked a lot about aging since I turned 60, a big milestone on its own. If you missed that post, it’s a good long one! The years sure are ticking by fast. Next year will be Medicare year. Oh boy!
Mark took me on a fun birthday outing over the weekend and that was fun. We did this same outing last year at Christmas and enjoyed it a lot. There’s a little schoolhouse in Cumming, GA, about an hour from us and they have a nice restaurant in there as well as a little playhouse. I think it’s called School Street Playhouse and the restaurant is Tam’s Backstage and the food is very good.
Green Sweater from Banana Republic (affiliate link), scarf is sold out! Camel Cardigan from Banana Republic also.
We had dinner first and then saw A Christmas Carol on stage. Such a fun evening out and perfect for getting us in the mood for Christmas. They sold very limited tickets so it was a safe environment. We were far away from others.
It was nice to get dressed up for a night out. A selfie for my birthday! Overall, I feel pretty good. Still have aches and pains and looking in the mirror these days is a little sad, but I’m grateful for life and happiness. God has been so good to me and I definitely don’t take that for granted. I’m grateful for Mark and being married to him for over 3 years. We’ve been together 5 years now and that’s gone by so fast. Life is good.
I see a lot of Botox, puffy lips, and very smooth skin out there in ladies my age and no offense to anyone who chooses that route, I’m just going to continue my routine of skin care and aging as gracefully as I can: lines, sags, creases and all.
So here’s a little bit about our Thanksgiving that I didn’t share with you until now. We had a Covid scare with our family being exposed, but all is well now.
Lauren and her family all came home for Thanksgiving and we were planning a nice family get together at my sister’s house. Unfortunately Iris was exposed to Covid at school, she tested negative before they came and then was tested again while they were here, the 3rd day and she was positive then. We all scrambled and they packed up and left the day before Thanksgiving and headed back home to isolate. So that meant mom and I especially had been exposed, as well as Renee and Bruce. Which also meant Mark and dad were exposed through us as well, even though they weren’t in the house with them. So none of us spent Thanksgiving day together, which seemed very strange. We all had Thanksgiving at home and it wasn’t so bad, still ate turkey and dressing and we shared food with each other, picked up outside and brought home.
We all stayed home for more than 10 days to be sure we didn’t have it and thankfully none of us got sick. Lauren did get sick the day after she got home and she tested positive too. She didn’t see the baby for several days. She stayed in their bedroom and Philip took care of all 3 girls. He and Parker were fine and didn’t get it either. Now everyone is reunited, they are way past the 14 days and Lauren is getting better. Her worse symptom was a cough and it didn’t get worse than that, but she did lose taste and smell which she is not enjoying.
It was so nice to see them for a few days even though our plans were interrupted. I just hate this virus and hope and pray it gets better so that we can all get back to somewhat of a normal life next year.
It was great to see the girls. Parker has lost her two front teeth, but you can’t see it here. They are growing up and are taking well to being big sisters. I didn’t get to hug Iris while they were here, but they will all be back for Christmas so we hope to make up for our short visit next time. I’m so thankful that the rest of us are feeling fine and we didn’t get the virus at this point. Some people asked me if we got tested and no, we didn’t since we never had any symptoms.
I do have a few things I pulled together for you, a gift guide that has some fun things to share. You all seem to like plaid a lot, so there’s a little more on here.
These are all linked below if you’re interested. I think these are some fun gift and fashion ideas for the season if you’re looking for something for a special person. From scarves, PJs, Christmas mugs, and more, these are fun. There are even some bookmarks for the reader in the family. Those round plaid things are coasters. (affiliate links used below)
To all the pandemic Pam virtue signalers. Rhoda went straight home and quarantined. That’s exactly what she would do with a positive test. So why take the test if she doesn’t have symptoms? She’s following the protocol for a positive test so whether she takes a test or not is a non issue.
Thank you Susie, my thoughts exactly. I so did not intend for this post to go this way, it was sharing what happened to us and the fact that we are all fine. Every family has to make these decisions for themselves.
Same thing happened to me. Because I developed a bad cough and headache I went straight to get tested, then went straight home. My hubby and 2 adult sons had no symptoms, but stayed home from work until I received the results. It took 4 days to get them and with copies of my results sent to their bosses they were clear to return to work. They didn’t have any symptoms at all so they didn’t waste a test. Pam S.
Rhoda, you look just beautiful. You’re the example of how taking care of oneself pays off.
And I do agree with you -and many, many others- that the virus overhype is political theater that is destroying an awful lot of people.
People are unfortunately dying from the many illnesses to which they’ve always succumbed -including seasonal influenza and its attendant issues and comorbidities. This fact is terribly sad, but not one bit *novel*. God bless you and yours.
Thank you, Jane, I think so many of us feel the same way. It’s an awful situation for so many people.
” Political theater??” I find that comment so sad and ignorant ! 280,000 Americans have died and the number is climbing. Shameful !!
You are getting prettier with age! Happiness shows. Glad everyone is on the mend!
Parker is growing up and is so pretty! And the baby is so cute and to me looks like Iris.
Glad everyone is well now and can meet for Christmas. The decision to handle the virus is a personal thing that is no one’s business but yours and your loved ones. And no one should be telling others the “right” way to handle it.
Good grief Rhoda ….I agree with all that you did. You will never please everyone so don’t even worry about it. I love your blog and will always be here reading and enjoying. And as you know, I especially love your pics of the family. Everybody seems to have become a control freak over this pandemic. One article says this is good and the next says ….no … it’s bad. One article says to stay closed up in your house….the next is all about the importance of herd immunity. I am doing what I think is right. If somebody else doesn’t like it …. that’s tough. Hopefully we’ll all get through this together, God willing. Take good care and belated Happy Birthday! You sure look good!
Thank you, Diane, well said I totally agree!
Hi Rhoda!!
You could be my younger sister(She’s 54yrs old.) on how you look and I know why you look younger, it’s your positive attitude and the sparkle in your eyes. You’re a beautiful beautiful woman so keep doing what your doing because it’s working!!
Rhoda I have to say this, that you and your family did everything right when dealing with the Covid results. You are a great example of what a family does in order to keep check on this pandemic.
Have a great weekend Rhoda!!
Pam S.
Thank you, Pam for the sweet comments, appreciate them so much!
Thank you for sharing so many details of your life, you provide encouragement to those of us that are aging gracefully as well thru your fashion posts and life style. So sorry to hear that your Thanksgiving was cut short with your family and glad to hear everyone is doing well. Again thank you, I always look forward to your posts!
Thank you, Angela, for stopping by and for the sweet comment.
When I look at countries that did a better job than we have I have to say I wish the “hype” had been taken a little more seriously here. My best friend’s son & daughter in law live in Japan. Hardly any complaints against masking up over there & statistically they have had a much better outcome than we have. Then you look at Sweden. They didn’t believe in all the “hype” either. They believed in herd immunity. Now they are suffering the consequences & admit they made a big mistake. Of course that doesn’t help bring back those that died & perhaps wouldn’t have if simple precautions had been followed. I believe we should love our neighbor as ourselves. When you wear a mask you are thinking of others. Like it or not this is a highly unpredictable virus. It may be no worse than the common cold for some. For others it could be deadly. I also think it is dangerous to equate it with the flu. Usually you are not left with life long problems once you recover. With Covid-19 there are what they now are saying are long haulers. Those who may have permanent damage to their lungs, neurological symptoms etc. I have never known a flu victim to have their limbs amputated. This has happened with some unfortunate COVID patients. This shouldn’t be political. After all it is a worldwide problem. Some countries got a better handle on it than others. That being said Rhoda you followed CDC guidelines & sounds like you & your family made an informed decision to meet including your parents. No one should have a problem with that.
Thanks Cindy, it’s been a hard tough year on all of us. The virus is real and definitely unpredictable. I know none of us want to get it if we can avoid it. I hope and pray things get better with it next year. Thanks for your thoughts.
Well said Cindy and so true !!
Happy Birthday, Rhoda! Aging is not for sissies … and no one can call us sissies. You look amazing and obviously your good skin care routine is paying off. I’m so sorry to hear about Iris and Lauren. What a disappointment for your planned Thanksgiving. I’m glad everyone is doing fine and I hope Lauren will be 100% soon. Christmas will be here before we know it and you’ll be together again. I have to tell you I was envious when you Mark were off to A Christmas Carol performance. That’s the thing I’m missing most this holiday season … the plays and musicals we attend each year that won’t be happening. Our state is entirely shut down again. Oh well, it makes me appreciate them all the more and I have every confidence we’ll be doing those things again next year. I love your gift ideas. Especially those Santa mugs. Oh my, do they bring back memories. I wish I still had mine, but perhaps I’ll buy new ones thanks to you. Wishing you Mark, and your entire family a very happy holiday season! xo
I am so happy that everyone is well now and none of the 60 and over crowd got sick! I know Thanksgiving was strange this year. Hopefully next year will be better. Happy Birthday! Also, thank you so much for all you share on this blog. Is bring light and joy in these strange times!
Thank you, Rose Ann, I am glad to hear that! It’s what I always try to share, some happiness!
Rhoda, as a nurse I can tell you this virus has nothing to do with politics! I quit reading the news and watching the news. I read legitimate medical studies that are non political. Your behavior as shown via Instagram and here has been so scary. I quit following you on both sites as I could not bear to watch if your parents caught this virus. It is truly not over hyped. If you knew someone who had died as I know several and if these folks were close to you then I think you would act very differently.
HI, Julie, I know the virus is real and deadly as well. I know enough people who have had loved ones die. Our family takes precautions as we can do without locking down and staying home. You might not agree with our decisions, but that’s what we do as a family. We have plenty of conversations about it all. I too do not want my parents to get the virus either, but how long do we as a country need to stay away from each other? I don’t think anyone has the answer to that. And that is causing so much harm to families as well, the isolation.
Michelle Johnson’s comment is spot on. A year later more than 420,000 have died from Corona virus in the United States. This is a deadly disease, not theater, and covid doesn’t care what political, religious, gender, race, or socioeconomic status you claim.