Who would imagine that a cute little chalkboard like this could change my habits? That a mirror turned chalkboard could land on the wall and get me more organized in the kitchen. It really has!
About the time I finished this sweet thing and hung it up in the kitchen, my hubby had hinted strongly suggested that I should really start meal planning. If you missed this little chalkboard project, go here to take a peek at how it started as an old mirror found at a yardsale.
I have always flown by the seat of my pants when it came to planning our meals for the week and that’s not particularly a good thing.  Going to the grocery store meant that whatever struck me at the moment was what landed in my cart for the week and then I would put meals together with whatever I had at home and had purchased in my grocery store run. I can’t tell you how many times I had to stop back by the store for a missing ingredient or 2 that I was going to need for meal time prep.
So, when this went on the wall, right in plain view, it seemed like a pretty good idea to start adding the menu every week, at least Monday through Friday meals. And I have to say, it’s made my life much easier when it comes to kitchen prep and meal planning.
Now, at the beginning of the week, usually Sunday evening, I’ll sit down and go through my list of tried and true recipes that we tend to rotate on a regular basis. You know the ones. Those that you rely on for ease of prep and you just know that they will work and taste good. I think I have about 25 or 30 main dishes on my list now, but I’m always looking to add more. And the good thing is, hubby can read it too and know what’s for dinner!
I only put the main dish on the menu board and then I can add to that fairly easy, since I always have rice, pasta, and potatoes around to supplement. And I keep a good supply of frozen veggies in the freezer for quick meals too. Add in fresh salad fixin’s and I’m ready to go. My trio consists of a meat, carb, and veggie. Or pasta or soup or sandwich and veggie. Any of those combos work for me.
Now, here’s a strong case for never leaving a pot boiling on the stove. Especially if you’re over 50. I really think something happens to the chemicals in the brain after you turn 50 and you can’t keep things inside your short-term memory for more than about 30 seconds at a time.  Do you know what I’m talkin’ about?? I told my sister it’s like everything is just ricocheting around in there trying to find a coherent thought. 🙂
So, I left this pot to boil, intending to come right back and turn it down to LOW and do you think I managed to do that? Of course not! I heard my hubby rushing down the stairs telling me to check the kitchen, as he ran around opening the windows and doors to LET THE SMOKE OUT! As I ran to the kitchen, the bottom of my stainless steel pot had melted all over the glasstop stove and left this horrid burn mark and gouges in the glass. I didn’t even know that was possible with these glass top stoves. The final straw was the hairline crack that started on this eye in the glass and traveled crookedly back to the other burner on that side. So now I’m cooking on the left side of the stove for awhile.
So, word to the wise. Don’t walk away and leave a pot boiling! I learned that very expensive lesson. Not sure how much it’s going to cost, but early estimates are $400 just for the new glass top. OUCH!
Do you do meal planning every week? I’d love to hear from all of you on that subject. How do you do it and is it working for you?
All of that to say this! How about we do a recipe party? I don’t know about you, but I can always use more recipes to add to my repertoire, can’t you? I thought this would be a fun time of year to drag out your tried and trues and share them with everyone. From meat dishes, to soups, salads, and whatever else you love. Including desserts. My personal fave. Let’s have a recipe party!
Spread the word! Don’t we all need new recipes to add to the menu?
This is the last week for the Homegood’s $100 giftcard giveaway (it ends Wednesday), so if you didn’t sign up, click here to get in on it.
And Birmingham folks, the Holiday House tickets are on sale (see post below) and I have tickets available if you’d like to go, so please email me!
Hi Rhoda,
Sorry about your stove! Just last week I woke up to realize that i had left our oven on all night at 450 degrees! God was watching out for me and my family. I’m only 49 and do stuff like this way to often!
I love the recipe party idea, and really need to start menu planning. I do not enjoy cooking. And as a result sometimes I don’t know until 5:00 what I’m going to cook. Talk about stressful. Maybe if i planned it out I would enjoy cooking more.
Oh boy! Yours is not the first glass-top mishap I have heard of. I’ve always liked them for their ease of clean-up, but I think I should stick with a gas-range for safety.
Meal planning has been such a wonderful thing for us with three busy kids keeping us on the run. I have a spiral bound “Paula Deen” calender that is about the size of a day runner. Each day has it’s own space which is just perfect for writing a week’s menu down. Saturday is my planning and shopping day. I alwyas plan two extra “quick” and easy meals to keep on hand that can be used at a moment’s notice if our schedule changes. The calender is the perfect size to throw in my purse and work on while waiting on the kids or to shop from if I find myself running behind on making a grocery list. It also gives me the space that if I have a creative burst of energy that I can plan for a couple weeks time. It works really well!
Enjoy your week,
Rhonda, thanks for your post. The party sounds great. Count me in. I love new recipes that people cherish as well as depend on. I have a few of my own. Sorry about your cook top but I am thankful your house is still standing. Great blog.
We’re got a cute meal planning chalkboard too. I LOVE it! It keeps me sane to have my meals planned out. I try to get them done on Sunday (before the week begins). I’ve also tried to do theme nights (mon – pasta, tues – mex, wed – left-overs, thurs – meat, fri – breakfast, etc)… that can help get my planning going to. I know I save a ton of time, energy & money though having it planned… plus the kids can just look at the board and know what’s for dinner instead of asking.
I love the chalkboard – I have a large silver tray with chalkboard paint I plan to use in the same way!
I have been making menu planning a habit, very slowly. I usually work in at least one new recipe a week and then alternate some tried and true favorites. I have been able to cut our grocery bill down considerably & my pantry is slowing thinning out and becoming more organized. What really helped me get started was looking at others weekly plans at Organizing Junkie (http://orgjunkie.com/2009/10/menu-plan-monday-oct-12th.html)
Good luck! Happy planning!
I definitely have to meal plan … I need to write down everything I need on a list because I will forget if I don’t. I write my list starting off with basics (milk, bread, eggs, etc) then break down the rest by meal. It takes a little time making sure you keep everything organized, but its worth it. I’d also love to join the recipe party. I’ve got a super easy soup that we love at my house!
I am among the 50+ crowd also. AND I have days of Fibromyalgia fog…yes, it is real. Anyway, I have gotten in the habit that if leave the kitchen while the stove is on, I set a timer. With 3 or 4 timers available, there’s no excuse for me to forget a pot…unless I forget to set the timer!
Love your menu board. I would like to make one when serving buffet style…what I do best. Christmas brunch is traditionally at our house. I have 15-20 different items, so a cute little menu board would be cute & helpful. (so I don’t forget to put something on the table at the last minute.)
I love that chalkboard! I just may have to try this way of doing things.
I have to say that I used to be a lot better with meal planning and then I had baby #5! 🙂 But what I did do was I would plan a menu and a list for shopping. Then put the menu up on the fridge for everyone to see. It worked great for awhile! It helped to have a plan. I went to the store less often and knew what we were having if we decided to have guests over.
I love Angela’s recommendation from the fireman about a wood spoon for us over 50 people! Goodness, there are days I wonder about senility… I can fully relate to your thought process, Rhoda!
Rhoda, first let me say I love the idea of weekly meal planning – never have done it, but I think your might have inspired me to. I usually “fly by the seat of my pants” as to what I’m in the mood for. Secondly, do you like your glasstop? My surface unit has coils (30 year old Jenn-Air). We have completely redone everything in the kitchen except the surface unit – which works beautifully. I think we’ll probably choose glass top when it expires. My preference would be to have a gas line run and cook with a gas top surface unit. Thirdly, I have burned up many teapots – two enamel, 3 copper (sad!), and two stainless. Now, that’s ridiculous! However, the latest one is an OXO and has a whislte – which is what I should have gotten YEARS ago! Now, if they could just put a whisle on saucepans and skillets, we’d be in business! Glad you didn’t burn the house down! My husband is afraid I am going to do that one day! Linda
When I take my pan off the stove I replace it with the filled tea kettle. This way if I forget to shut the stove off the kettle will whistle and let me know to shut the stove off.
Kay in Kansas
Meal planning makes a world of difference in my life. I just love our sweet little chalk board, it is so pretty. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
I am in the over 50, smoke in the kitchen club this weekend, too! Except mine was a massive boil over in the oven. All 5 of our kids, SIL, future DIL, BIL , MIL and FIL all were over for dinner and had to evacuate the house. We ate dinner outside -thank goodness it wasn’t raining! Meanwhile one of the dogs managed to knock the bread I baked off the table and 1/2 of the loaf got eatten! No wonder I don’t entertain much!
I’m excited about the recipe party. 🙂 Sounds like fun!
Occasionally, I’ll get myself on track and do some meal planning. Usually, I fly by the seat of my pants. You’re right…it doesn’t work well. I need to sit down at the end of the week, go through recipe books, coupons, and write a list. THEN I can go (maybe without kids?) and shop. 🙂
Sorry about your mishap! I did not know the ceramic cooktops would do that – I have one. I am 50 and I have the same issues.
I am excited about the recipe swap. I need to begin menu planning. I just prepare whatever is on hand and make do with what I have. Hopefully the recipe swap will help me.
I have been meal planning off and on for about a year. About a month ago, I decided to get serious. It is amazing how it helps with time managment.
I love the chaulkboard idea. I had been writing the menu on the same sheet of paper as the shopping list and by the time you get home from the store with two little ones in tow, the list doesnt’ always make it home :0). So now I have to find something to make into a chaulkboard! I was just at the thrift store today too! Oh well just another reason to go back tomorrow.
Thanks for the great blog!
Thanks for the warning about the cook-top, I have one very similar.
I’m a big fan of meal planning. It makes life so much easier. Can’t wait to see everyone’s recipes!
Wow-what a kitchen testimony!
Meal-Planning is great-I usually plan out at least 5 meals for the each week since some nights we go out. I think in my head “theme-nights” i.e. – Italian, Greek, Comfort, Mexican, Asain, Salad, Sandwich, Grilling, No-Meat night, breakfast for dinner (every other week), Curry, etc… This helps me change up the plan and the meal planning never goes stale. I just plug in the variety of types of meals for the days we are cooking at home. If I know we have a busy day or evening planned, I do a crock-pot or sandwich buffet night to relieve the stress. I work at home so I try to set the table for the evening after breakfast/or in the afternoon-helps with organization.
I am looking forward to the swap.
Your site always gives me sparkle to indulge in the “southern” comfort. I live in Palm Beach, FL and a TRUE FL cracker as southern as you can get, but for whatever reason the “southern” appeal is lost in our overrun area of transients from the northeast trying to get warm and retire.
Hi Rhoda…….I am so sorry about your glasstop stove. My husband hates ours but I am getting use to it. In my former home…….I went upstairs one time & let eggs to boil. Forgot about them, they popped & stuck on the ceiling – ha! I didn’t know glasstops did that either…..we are going gas in the island one of these days! That is a great idea about the meal planning…….sure would help out here in the lake area as we are so far from town. Thanks for inspiring me to get a more organized approach to meal planning…….Bonnie