I didn’t do a lot of yardsales this weekend, but did stop by a couple of them on the way to meet up with a long-time online decorating buddy that I met up with in Oxford, AL. She was in Atlanta on business from CA and drove over to meet me. I’ll share that later on. We did some antique shopping.
One stop, I found this pretty lamp for $5. Not sure where I’ll put it, but I really loved the shape and colors for that price. It actually looks pretty cute in my laundry room.
This summery and bright dress was $2.
Not the most flattering pic, but I even have some pretty pink shoes to go with it. There is pink in there, even though it looks all red.
And I found a bag to match for $5, by Cappelli. I found this at an estate sale and oh, my gosh, did it have the stuff. And by that, I mean, the lady could have been on The Hoarders show.
This was all in the driveway. Lots of retro old garden and porch things. This was all left on Saturday afternoon and on Sunday they were having a 1/2 price sale. There was a TON of stuff left.
And out-building full of Christmas stuff.
Basement storage, more Christmas stuff. This is just a small part of what I saw.
Upstairs bedroom.
Linen closet.
And this was the master bedroom, FULL of shoes and purses and clothes. TONS! They said the lady was in her 70’s and loved to buy things. Really?! This sale gave a whole new meaning to the phrase, “you can’t take it with you”. When I go in estate sales, it does make me sad to think about the end of a person’s life like this. All their things out there for people to rummage through. Do you think about that too?
This was FREE from another sale, a solid wood pantry or cabinet door of some type. I figured it could be made over for something useful.
The back side of it, it actually looks like it would be perfect for a chalkboard, all you’d have to do is spray this side with chalkboard paint. If I don’t use it for something, I’ll pass it on to someone else.
So, now it’s YOUR turn for the party this week! What have YOU found lately. Add your link to the Linky list and remember our guidelines for the party:
- Add your permalink to the link list, which is the actual post that you did for this party, NOT your general blog url. To get the actual post, after you publish the post, just click on the title and THAT will be your party post url. Last year, I can’t tell you how many links I had to fix. This year I might get mean & delete them, so PLEASE try to get the correct url in the first time! 🙂
- Please add my button to your post or blog OR at least link back to this post in your post. That’s all I ask. It’s common courtesy to link back to the person having the party, so that all of your readers can find it too.
- Please do NOT link to an Etsy shop or something similar (even if you think it’s a fabulous deal) or I will delete the link. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from yardsales, thriftstores, or something along those lines. If I see that your post is not really on track with this theme AND you don’t link back, I’ll delete your link. Sorry, but I’d like to keep the party consistent! IF YOU SEE THAT YOUR LINK HAS BEEN DELETED, IT IS PROBABLY BECAUSE IT IS NOT IN LINE WITH THIS PARTY THEME.
Let’s have some fun this week with the Thrifty Treasures party!
Holy Hoarder! You ain’t lyin Rhoda. Who am I kidding. That’s so gonna be me one day! Ha!
I left a comment awhile ago and don’t see it.
I like your new lamp Rhoda and the dress is so summery and cute.
We had an auction at my grandparents in the early 70’s. It was a bittersweet time for our family. I often think of the people who lived in the house and their family when at these sales.
it’s a pretty lamp you found.
I love shopping yard sales and goodwill etc, but each time I go to goodwill I always bring a bag of things with me, I can’t stand clutter! I know the best yard sales I’ve been to are older people that seem to keep things for a long time and take care of them well
If I had been to that estate sale I would have needed a truck to load all of my purchases!! You found some great stuff!
Thanks for hosting –
That door is pretty enough to be a coffee table, just put some legs on her.
I could never pull off that dress. But you definitely can. You are too cute! It’s a perfect summery dress. I did find some great stuff this weekend but I haven’t taken any pics yet so I can’t link up.
Oh, my! I hope my loved ones won’t have to deal with that much “stuff” after I’m gone.
I, too, think about the same kind of things when I go to estate sales. I wonder what type of person they were, why they had the material possessions they had, etc.
By the way, I would love for you to visit my cottage and join in on the fun for all three of my linky parties:
You can get the details here:
Each party runs for six days, so come on by!
Hope to see ya there!
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
WOW Rhoda, you look adorable in your cute little dress!! I too think about what the owners would think about all of us rummaging through their stuff…then I think “Oh well…I’ll take that candle holder for $1.00!!!”
(I’m so bad) 😉
Great finds Rhoda!
And yes, I feel that way at every. single. estate sale. I realize it helps the family out by dispersing items to people who want them, but I always feel so bad.
Great finds, Rhoda. I like the “drippy” pottery lamp; great colors.
But HOLY MOLY that estate sale! Yikes, and yikes again. I know my kids will be selling off piles and piles of dishes when I go, but nothing like that. That kind of shopping needs a 12 step program.
Great finds, wow! I adore the dress. Can you believe what some people end up with….ooops I’d better go through my closet.
Art by Karena
Wow that is an intense amount of stuff!
I LOVE the colorful dress, I would wear the hell out of that! 😀
Estate sales are sad, to see someone’s things “up for grab” can be a little disturbing. I hope that when I am older I will be able to give my collections away to someone whom I know will really appreciate and care for them just like I do.
Great finds! I really like the dress.
Boy did that lady have a lot of things! Someone did a lot of work to get ready for her sale. You found some great things this week. Be sure to show us where you put your lamp!
oh my gosh, i would have LOVED to go thru that house. All that furniture! All those shoes! And you look super cute and sassy in your new dress and pink shoes!
Great finds. Especially like the lamp, purse & dress. I buy a lot of lamps like that and disassemble it for the pottery.
Love the dress! So cute with those pink shoes!
And yes, I get a sad feeling at estate sales as well.
Mary Ellen
We go to Anniston several times a year. They have some great places to thrift. I don’t think Oxford is far from there. Maybe next time, we will go there too.
And yes, I also think of the people whose things we are all going through. I got choked up at one where the gentleman’s military uniforms were hanging neatly on one side of a closet and the lady’s pretty formal gowns were hanging on the other side. I could almost imagine them in younger days, dancing at a military ball.
You look cute in your bright dress and sassy pink sandals!
super deals! great finds.
I feel very uncomfortable when I rummage through people’s things too!
Then on occasion I get this twinge about what MY family might have to go through some day… *sigh*
thanks for the party!