Without a doubt, the most-asked question I get when I tell someone that I’m a full-time blogger, is this:
How did you get started blogging?
Then they will ask what I blog about.
Then they ask if you can make money blogging.
Most folks who don’t know anything about blogs, will tilt their head slightly, smile, eyes slightly glazed over, and want to know what in the world a blogger does. There are many people out there who don’t have a clue about this online world we live in. Many people don’t log on every day to scour the internet for ideas and inspiration. Sure, they might go on news sites and check their email, but they are not getting mesmerized by the blogosphere.
I know many of my readers are not bloggers, but I hope you’ll find this series interesting too!
Heck, so many people don’t even know the blogosphere exists. Most bloggers feel like we are at the center of what is hot and hip. How could the rest of the world not see that? We try to stay informed and up to date on what our passion is all about, but there are plenty of folks out there who just don’t know anything about this thing we call blogging.
There is no one size fits all manual for “how to blog”.
But oh, how blogging has changed my life.
In February I’ll hit my 5 year blogoversary, truly a milestone. Sort of like dog vs. people years, 5 years in blogging is a long, long time.
So, in celebration of that 5 year mark, I thought it might be a good time to look back and document my blogging journey. I’ve seen several bloggers do just that and even though at times, I think what else can I add to the conversation about starting a blog, sustaining a blog, and turning a blog into a business, I realize that yes, I do have things to share!
Blogging is truly a learn it as you go type of thing. On the job training, so to speak.
Just from the sheer amount of years that I’ve been doing this thing called blogging, that alone makes me something of an expert on the subject. Do I know it all? Oh noooooo, of course I don’t and at times feel like I’m still such a novice on all thing blogging, especially the technical side!
Do I have plenty to share about my personal experience with blogging.
Oh, yes I sure do!
Anyone that blogs has a blog story. I have my own unique perspective on it all and I’m hoping that sharing my story will give inspiration and insight to those of you who are new to this crazy blog world.
The blogosphere is still growing and growing and growing. Where it will go, no one knows. That is one of those unknown things that none of us have the answer to.
So sit back, grab something to sip on and here begins my blog story. I’m going to break it into at least 5 parts (maybe more, I have no idea how rambling I’ll get on all of this), for every year that I’ve been blogging. February will start my 6th year of writing this blog and I would never dream that I’d have that much to talk about, but it seems that I do! 🙂
It seems that another unique thing about bloggers is the fact that most of us, when we started blogging, had no idea where it was going to lead us. I started on a whim, just for fun. A hobby. Something to do that was an outlet for my passion of interior decorating, DIY projects, and thrifting for the most part.
My journey began in February of 2007.
I had been living in Birmingham with my husband at the time for a little over a year. I quit my corporate job in Atlanta when we moved over there at the end of 2005 and set up house, with plans to be a stay at home wife. I had worked my whole life in the 8 to 5 corporate world, so staying home was a novelty to me at the time.
I had long been involved with online decorating boards, since around the mid-90’s. Better Homes and Gardens and GardenWeb’s That Home Site were 2 sites that I frequented constantly back in those days. So, I knew my way around the web, it was a fun world for me to hang out in.
In early 2000, I joined an online site called Great Impressions, which started as a public site, then went private due to large growth. It was started by a small group of us who spun off from Better Homes and Gardens decorating boards and quickly became a popular hangout for like-minded women who loved their homes and were devoted to decorating. We talked paint colors, we shared projects and celebrated design triumphs. We talked each other through design dilemmas. We were able to set up photo albums online and look at each others’ houses. Now that was a new and exciting thing, to actually be looking at other house pics from all over the country. That was a mere 12 years ago, that’s how fast this online world has evolved. It was a really great group of women and it was very fun for about 5 or 6 years. There are still some from the old group that read my blog and occasionally I will get a mention of that in a comment.
During those years of Great Impressions, one of my online friends from that group, Kim, started a blog called Daisy Cottage. She was smitten with an older cottage home and had always wanted to live in an old home, so we celebrated with her when she moved into Daisy Cottage, her beautiful cottage in Florida. Kim and I became buddies and we were kindred souls. I would visit Kim’s blog and look at her pretty pictures. She would encourage me to start my own blog. I laughed, not really planning to do it, but one day in early 2007, on a whim, I decided to set up a free Blogger account. Later, in 2008, Kim and I met in person when I was visiting Florida for a few days. We are still good friends to this day and I love her dearly. She is such a sweet, supportive, and creative friend. That was part of the journey for me of meeting other bloggers in person and that hasn’t stopped either. It has just gotten better over the years. Bloggy friendships have absolutely been the best part of blogging for me.
So, Southern Hospitality was born.
I don’t even know what made me choose the name. It just seemed to me that Southern Hospitality was a phrase that would embody what I wanted to share on my blog, so that was it.
My blog had a name. An identity.
That free Blogger account started me on my blogging journey that month in early 2007. I had no idea what I was doing. Back then, there were hardly any decorating or design blogs at all. It was mostly crafting, sewing, artsy sort of blogs and it wasn’t all that huge in numbers. I remember going through blogrolls that I would find on other blogs and that’s how I found most of the blogs that I would visit and leave comments on. Back then, it was a pretty small community and getting to know other bloggers happened easily.
I would click from blog to blog, leave a lot of comments and then all of a sudden I began to get comments back on my blog. Oh, how exciting that was! Someone was actually reading my blog. They liked what I was doing. It felt good to share and have others validate my projects or ideas. I think I’m going to like this blogging thing. It’s a lot of fun! I had a little point and shoot camera and knew nothing about getting great photos, but I started seeing beautiful photos on other blogs and wondered how they did it.
That year of 2007 moved on through the summer. I felt the need to go back to work in mid-summer of that year. I knew that there were some financial issues going on at home and we needed more money coming in and so I began to look for a job. I was enjoying my blog and keeping it going by blogging about 3 times a week or so. Whenever I had something to share, I would share it. I didn’t have a real schedule in mind with blog posts, but when I did something fun or completed a project, I would put it on the blog.
In August, I landed a really great job working for a local privately owned company in Birmingham. I was the assistant to the President and it was a nice place to work. I planned events, took care of his calendar, ordered office supplies, and handled a lot of things around the office. That was the type of job I had in the past, so I was used to working in that sort of environment. I shared my office and all about my new job on my blog. I had lots of comments and encouragement and my readers wondered if I would keep blogging. I said I was going to keep blogging. I enjoyed that creative outlet too and didn’t want to stop. It was a fun online world that I enjoyed being a part of. Many of my original readers are still with me, I’m happy to say!
My job lasted until the end of that year and I quit after Christmas, at the request of my ex-husband after only 5 months of working. Looking back, I should have kept that job, although it would have done nothing to stop the unbelievable avalanche that would happen 3 years later. It would have helped us a lot, but I deferred to his request and quit. I wrote all about that too on my blog.
And if you are new here and have no idea of the drama of a year I’ve been through, read Life is Not a Magazine Cover for all the details (my divorce is final, by the way).
I had no idea at the time that this blog would be my lifesaver down the road. No idea that 3 years later, my life as I knew it would completely fall apart and crumble to pieces.
BUT…..God in His infinite wisdom, knew!
So, that first year was just for fun, sharing my hobby of decorating and my passion for the home. It was great fun getting to know so many other bloggers out there, but it was nothing like the sheer volume in this home/DIY niche now in 2011. Not even close! 2007 was my first year of sharing and share I did.
I shared my projects at home, along with my yardsale adventures. I found out there were lots of girls out there who were addicted to yardsales too. I wasn’t alone in my penny-pinching ways.
Back then, I remember spending hours and hours learning how to change my background, getting my feet wet with html. And wow, is that a crazy world! Html will drive you insane. I have always been good with computers, so learning new things has come easy for me in that area. I made my very first header all by myself and boy, was it pathetic. I wish I still had it saved, but sadly I don’t. 🙂
That first year was a complete learning experience. I saw many new bloggers come on the scene in that first year too and it was a great time of growth and just learning the ropes.
There was SO much to learn and learn I did. I had no idea what I was doing, nor where I was going, but I was having fun. I decided when I quit that job that it might just be time for me to start my own business and pursue the decorating thing that I had always wanted to try.
So, 2008, was the year for that.
I announced on my blog that I was starting my own decorating business with hopes of getting my own clients in person as well as offering online services.
I got my business license and officially became a self-employed business person in early 2008 and shortly after established my business as an LLC. I was on my way to doing something different.
I was traveling a new path and where it would lead, I had no idea.
To be continued……I will write another post later on, continuing my blog journey. No posting schedule on this series, but I will keep writing until I get to the finale to date, which is where I am now. I’m going to share lots of tips and details on blogging along the way too, so hopefully at the end of this series, you will feel like you’ve learned something.
Continue Reading Part 2
Continue Reading Part 3
Now I’m hooked and will be back to read more. I’ve been a casual reader of your blog and will enjoy getting to know you a bit better with this series.
My mom still asks “What’a a blog?” She’s seen it and still has no idea what I’m doing with it or what it is. I just tell her it’s a journal with lots of ideas and notes.
Loved reading about your beginnings and look forward to more. I have found your story very interesting so far. I was reading it and only half way through when one of the kids wanted me for something, but owing to the strength of your story I came back to finish it and glad I did. Looking forward to the next installment.
I too have started a decorating business in Australia and my blog supports that, but needs lots more work, so can’t wait to see how your business went.
This is going to be an interesting series. I think I’ve followed your blog from its early days and I’ve always enjoyed it.
What a great post. I can’t wait to hear more about your blogging adventure.
I really enjoyed this, Rhoda. When I think about it, the past five years have simply flown by!! I cannot believe it!
I am glad you started blogging and I am so happy you encouraged me to begin in 2007, too!
Looking forward to the next “chapter”.
I have followed your blog forever and love everything you post. I have learned so much from you. Can’t wait for the next chapter.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m relatively new to blogging and it helps to hear how someone else has earned success. I can’t wait to read the next in the series!
Rhoda,I have been following your blog for 3 years. You are truly an inspiration. Keep the faith. When one door shuts, another one opens. It will better.
thank you so much for sharing! I’m really looking forward to this series. as far as i’m concerned, ramble away. i’ll be sitting here. ready to soak up the knowledge. my blog is almost 3 months old so I’m a newbie to this blogworld!
Thank you for your openness and willingness to share the good and the bad- others’ struggles help the rest of us in our struggles as well. I look forward to reading the rest of your story and hope to pick up some pointers as I am just getting started on this blogging journey myself. The thrifting day with you this summer was a big part of the reason I got the courage to start down this road. Thanks, Rhoda- your faith shines. 🙂
Hi Rhoda….when I retired from the corporate world in 2007 , I started spending time surfing the internet. That’s when I discovered blogging and your blog in particular. We are about the same age and I connected with your interests. I am not a blogger but I have been a follower of your blog from the beginning. I’m always inspired by you – especially your DIY projects, which I miss. I just completed a bathroom reno with beadboard and baseboards-all inspired by you!Looking forward to your series!
I was so sad when I read this post, with the other back stories attached. I can’t believe you had to go through all of this! God is so good, though, isn’t he?! Praying for you!
So interesting, I’ve been a “follower” for awhile and know some of your story, you are a survivor! I have often thought of starting a blog because I love to write and think I have a lot to share but…..I’m scared. Funny, I’m retired and back working part time and that has its own issues. I was scrolling back and rereading one of your older posts and my eyes went right to the Scripture passage that you have on your blog, it is one I love and felt that it staring me in the face this morning had a particular meaning. Who knows what path the new year will take us! As always, thanks for your insight.
Rhoda…great post, wonderful story and you are right, God has his own agenda for us…we just need to be open to his plan. I still consider myself new to this blogging thing. Sadly the first blog I started was about my dear brother-in-law’s diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer in January of 2010. I started it to keep family and friends in the loop of his journey. But as I blogged I found out that this is something I really enjoyed doing. That’s when I bagan my decorating blog. Well I can go on but I won’t…but I will stay tunned to read more of your story. Thank you for sharing…I am sure it will inspire and help others as they navigate through life and this blogging world. Oh yeah…you made me laugh with the html referrance…I need to find a class on that!
Have a wonderful week!
Thanks for posting this Rhoda. I feel lucky to have known you from back in the BHG and initial Great Impressions phase!
Hi Rhoda! I so enjoyed the beginning of your blogging story. It is fun to read how others started blogging. You truly are a pro at blogging!! Can’t wait to read the rest!! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us,
Oh Dear Rhoda…..
You know how much I love you.
And how VERY proud of you that I am.
You are such a beautiful spirit in EVERY way and one that I am very proud to call friend.
You are a light in our lives…one that beams hope and compassion and faithfulness. YOU BLESS US SO MUCH RHODA.
Thank you for everything.
And for understanding my heart.
Your friend always,
Great post, Rhoda. I’m looking forward to hearing more! I found your blog in late 2008 and later on managed to go back and read every past post. Your’s is my favorite blog!
Absolutely love this post, Rhoda. Congrats on the big blogiversary coming up! And I can’t wait to hear the rest of the story! I’m so glad that we all have this little blogging community to inspire and lean on each other. And of course talk about all things design- our passions run deep! : )
I have been with you and Kim from the beginning, I can’t believe it’s been six years WOW Some of that time I was just a stalker (lol) so afraid to comment, but you made this anon feel welcome and I have so enjoyed the ride.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, it was extra special for me, I had a health scare and thank God things turned out okay !!!!
You’re one of my faves you know that 🙂
God Bless and thanks for ALWAYS sharing……
Kathy 🙂