My friends, Layla and Kevin, were shooting a pilot for a TV show last week over in Suwanee, GA for HGTV! This was my first time behind the scenes of the makings of a TV show and WOW, was it interesting, exhausting, and busy. My hat is off to the folks who tirelessly do these shows week after week. You wouldn’t believe how many hours are spent behind the scenes getting a 30 minute TV show on the air. It’s amazing!
Layla invited me to come over and help and that’s what I did. My cousin lives on that side of town, so I spent 2 nights with her. I am so excited for them and hope beyond hope that their pilot show is picked up by HGTV and they run with it. I just know it would be a huge hit if that happens. There are no guarantees in TV either, I have found out. Even a pilot show has to go through all the approval processes and red tape before it ever hits the air.
So, join me on a little peek behind the scenes on a TV show taping. There were several volunteers/bloggers who showed up day after day and I was there every day. The reveal was done last Saturday and I wouldn’t have missed that. After all the work put into the room, I couldn’t wait to see what the homeowners thought about their new space. Unfortunately, I cannot show the final room here on my blog. It will have to remain a mystery for now!
Layla wrote all about it today too!
Take my word for it! It was fantastically beautiful and the young couple, newly-wed homeowners were over the moon excited.
Here’s a peek at the outside of the house. They got a fantastic deal on this foreclosure. It has great bones and just needs some updating from it’s 1980’s datedness. When we drove up the first day, there was a huge pile of ripped out carpet out front.
Here’s Emily, the cute newlywed homeowner.
This is my sweet friend, Shaunna, from Perfectly Imperfect, with her hubby, Matt. They came up for the whole week from their home in AL and worked tirelessly on so many projects.
They had just ripped out the old mantel when we got there too. Kevin is doing the honors of taking it outside.
Layla got in on the action too.
Their producer, Patrick, was giving instructions. They had a ton of filming to do for this pilot and went all over the city to find good shooting spots, including the fair one night. That was a hoot!
Here’s a peek at the Before of the room. This is after the carpet had been ripped out. You would not believe the Afters now. I can’t wait to be able to show you one day.
Layla and me!
Kevin and Layla taking a lunch break.
Shaunna, me, Lori (another Atlanta blog friend), and Layla.
More cameras and filming the whole process. This is Emily spraying down the walls with hot water and fabric softener to get the wallpaper backing off the walls. There were about 8 of us tackling that and we got it down pretty fast.
Here’s Lori spraying and scraping that paper off. Not a fun job, but it had to be done.
They did some fun little video shots of Kevin and Layla sitting outside and I took these through the window.
They are so cute and I always love hanging out with them.
Layla getting her mike all in place.
Another blog friend, sweet Charity, was there to help too, along with Shaunna, who took on several furniture painting/staining projects. This rustic table was found at Homegoods and it got a completely different paint job.
They even put up a tent to work under in the driveway.
Some shots in the backyard, after Shaunna finished staining the coffee table, which was specially built by Southern Accents, that fabulous vintage architectural store in Cullman, AL that I’ve shared before. They got several things from SA, including the wood floors.
We also had a fun day shopping at the Queen of Hearts antique mall up in Buford, GA, one of their 3 locations. That was a lot of fun and I took some fun shots that I’ll share with you later!
So, that is a little bit behind the scenes of a TV show taping. It is exhausting, busy, long and tiring, but definitely interesting. I’m glad I got to help out and be there with them during this exciting time.
Even after filming a pilot show, there is still no guarantee that it will get on TV. It still has to go through channels with HGTV to be approved for airing and then it still has to be picked up for a whole season. I wish them the absolute best with this fantastic opportunity and I just have a feeling we WILL be seeing this show! I’ll be cheering them on the whole way.
This is going to be another busy week for me! On Thursday, I am flying to San Francisco for 5 days, to visit my friend, Kate the Centsational Girl herself! I am so excited to spend some more time with Kate, since we met up at a couple of blog conferences in the past couple of years. We have all sorts of fun things planned, not to mention, she lives in the wine country and near San Francisco, one of my favorite destinations.
Funny thing about how I got the ticket to go on this trip and a bit ironic. You all remember I was supposed to go to Israel back in February and now you know WHY that trip was cancelled so abruptly. I still had the ticket which was non-refundable and knew I could use it at some point, but only had a year to do so. I didn’t have to pay a penny for the change fee, since it came off the ticket value. I am using it for this trip and still have enough left for possibly 2 more domestic tickets and another year to use it. Isn’t that cool? God is SO good and I can tell you one thing, if He doesn’t want you to go somewhere, He will absolutely SLAM that door shut and He definitely stopped the Israel trip, thank GOD! Much to my family and friends’ relief. There was a lot of praying going on!
The winner of the Initials, Inc. giveaway is lucky #130: Paula
Paula, I have emailed you already, so get back to me for your prize!
Hi Rhoda-
What a fun time seeing the back end of a TV show. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for them – they are so talented.
Have a save and fun trip to Kate’s house. Looking forward to your photos and post.
My best- Diane
Rhoda, what a fun week! Thank you SO much for the recap! I was able to live vicariously through them! 🙂 And I hope you have a fabulous time with Kate…I know you will! And wow, how good God is to his children. Love ya!!
Great Pictures Rhoda! It was so much fun! Be safe on your next trip!
Oh, how I wish I could see the after shots!! I bet it is gorgeous!
Rhoda ! I am so excited for Kevin and Layla! Your post today is so fun to see. Yesterday I read Laylas blog and her whole take on the experience. It looked like a lot of work but talk about livin the dream! I have to tell you though the part I loved the most was seeing a smile so big on your face. After the year you’ve had it was so great to see you having a good time. And now Kate???? Wow I think I’m jealous for sure now as if I wasn’t before! Have fun
I can just imagine the work involved in shooting this TV shot. When they came to take photo’s of my house for Victorian Magazine, it took 3 days and I was ready to kill them, move this, clean that, light this, shadow,prints, to much, to little. On and on it went. Good luck with the series. let us know when and where. Richard from My Old Historic House.
Rhoda, I will be saying prayers for Kevin and Layla and HOPE their pilot turns into a series!! It would be a breath of fresh air, as I am a little tired of House Hunters, House Hunters International, My First Place….enough already! Give us something new 🙂
Have fun in San Francisco!!
Lou Cinda
What a fun and exciting time for all of you, Rhoda…. I’m looking forward to the bgig reveal, so keep us posted on that…. Meanwhile,,,, Have a BALL with Kate ( no way you won’t!) and take LOTS of pictures to share….. so happy such a great trip comes out of the’ left turn”, in the road…(. I did tell you I couldn’t wait to see what happened next…yippee.) As for the experience on the behind the scenes…. well, I think that may be useful along the way too0!
I recently found you via Kevin and Layla’s blog and I love it! The shows sounds like so much fun. But I was super excited to find out about Southern Accents from you!! I have been wishing for a place like it. I live in Huntsville and we will be making a trip down to Cullman soon. Thanks so much!
Thanks for showing us the behind the scenes footage. It’s so interesting to hear about how much work actually goes into preparing a 30 minute episode. I hope it gets picked up by the network.
I also hope you have a wonderful time in San Francisco!
Loved the blog re-cap! Oh, and you’ll be proud of me….ALL of the carpet is out of the house, including the stairs! 🙂
How exciting. The Lord has certainly filled your life with some amazing experiences. So happy for you. Have fun in Calif. blessings Paula
Hi Rhoda-I replied to your email yesterday (Monday) I guess you didn’t get it. So, I am responding here to claim my prize, Initials, Inc. I am so excited. Have a nice evening. Blessings, Paula Lusk
WHAT FUN! can’t wait to see the final room you little tease… hahaha…
Hey Rhoda! So glad to see you got in on the fun! Love your re-cap….I can’t wait to see the show!!
I am so excited for Layla and Kevin and have my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that their pilot gets picked up because they certainly deserve it. How exciting that you got to be a part of it, fun!!
How much fun that you get to take a trip and spend some time with Kate! I recently realized I live in a neighboring town so a lot of her blog posts have been so great to get familiar with our new area since moving here a few months ago. She seems like she would be very easy to be around and just peachy sweet. Enjoy your trip and I’m so happy you were able to make some lemonade out of those lemons.
Really hope it airs! So glad you all had fun at the fair too…we’ll be people watching this weekend. 🙂 If I would have been in town I might have had to stalk all of you fun girls at the Queen of Hearts. 🙂 Never been in there, but have heard it’s a fun store (but that I shouldn’t try to tackle it with kids).
Hearing and watching Kevin and Layla’s story is truly inspiring!
But so is yours. You are soooo not done yet girl. 🙂 I love your faith and the way you continually always give praise. Enjoy your new chapter! We sure are. 🙂
Rhoda, thanks for taking us behind the scenes! So exciting! I can’t wait to see the final reveal. 🙂
so exciting, can’t wait to see the reveal!!