There are an abundance of spring home tours all over blogland right now, but I’m not in any of those this year. Instead, let’s get outside and I’ll show you the best spring tour going!
I’ve shared Gibbs Gardens with you before, but I was just there recently for a full view of the gorgeous Spring daffodils that are 20 million strong (yes, that is amazing & I had to double-check that) Â and wow, was that a show! Mark and I went to see the daffodils and enjoyed a beautiful day at Gibbs Gardens. It’s the perfect place to stroll and enjoy nature at its finest.
My pictures to not do it justice, but enjoy the Spring finery at Gibbs just in case you have Spring fever about now and are ready to get outside.
We took the tram up to the huge daffodil display with many different varieties planted. Â It’s quite the show!
Again, my photos do not do the hillsides justice, but I did the best I could.
Mark and I went together and it was his first time at Gibbs Gardens.  He was quite wowed by the display.  We have been dating for 4 months and are very happy!  That’s all I’ll say for now, but I’m excited to share this part of my life with y’all.  You have all been so encouraging to me over the last 5 years. 🙂
I tried to capture the beauty of these blooms, but it’s hard to do that on the fly with my camera.
We loved these with the brilliant orange centers.
Aren’t they neat?
Loved this variety too, so vivid in their yellow orange colors.
And I have no idea what this variety is, but the soft coral center was just gorgeous. Â I didn’t see many of these.
It was a beautiful day for strolling through Gibbs Gardens and taking in the beauty of Spring.
Not everything is blooming yet, but some of the flowering trees were bursting with Spring color. Â We walked up to the Manor house and took a peek.
Loved this statue gracing the grounds.
Mark took this photo of me in action with my camera. Â The life of a blogger! He’s learning about what I do and thinks it’s pretty cool.
The grass is just stunning right now, all green and verdant. Â The only flowers planted besides the daffodils are the pansies and they were pretty too.
This pretty shrub was called a Paperbush and it had the most interesting flower on it.
The paper bush in bloom. Â How unique is this?
The pansies were so vivid and pretty.
They really accent the green grass and the stone walls going up to the Manor house. Â How fortunate are the Gibbs to live in this beauty every day! He created this garden over 30 years ago and now the public gets to enjoy it too.
Blooming Lenton Rose, or Hellebores one of my favorites.
An iron gate on the property.
They have their own swimming pool too, which blends right into the landscape.
Their Grandchildren all have statues in their honor and they fit right into the beauty of the gardens.
The side of the Manor house.
They have the most magnificent views of the North Georgia mountains up here on their mountain.
I’m not sure what this pink blooming tree is, but they are all over right now showing their beauty.
This must be a Spring bulb bloom and wow, is it pretty! Â Not sure what it is, but that purple color is so vivid.
A copy of Monet’s bridge.
And the bird sculpture, which I’ve shown before. Â It’s a beautiful place to spend the day.
I loved how these daffodils were reflected in the water.
The birch tree allee is so pretty.
One last selfie with my handsome guy in front of it.
Thanks for coming along with us today to Gibbs Gardens and the daffodil show. Â If you want to see the other posts I did last year on Gibbs, check them all out below. Â The summer color is spectacular!
Rhoda, I’m so thrilled about you and Mark! You’re such a sweet and happy couple. Thanks for the lovely photos and for sharing your joys with us.
Hugs, cat
Cherry trees blossoming pink I believe. Best wishes for your relationship! You both look so happy and it gives the rest of us older singles hope that we may find someone special at this time in our lives!
Hi, Teddee, this post was a few years ago and we’ve been married almost 3 years now. Very happy!
I think the purple flower is a hyacinth. Did it smell fabulous?
Where is Gibbs Garden?
It’s in North Georgia.
The blooming tree is a Japanese Magnolia tree. The trees are beautiful when they are in bloom.