The fine folks at One Project Closer are holding their annual summer Before and After contest and I’m happy to say that I was chosen as this week’s winner for my stair project. Click on the link above to go over and take a peek. My prize is a $50 giftcard to Lowes and they will donate $100 to Habitat for Humanity for me. Do ya think I can use that?
I see a power tool in my future. And I’ll be entered into the grand prize finale of a $150 giftcard, so I just may have to enlist YOUR help on that one. 🙂
If you missed my stair project, you can read all about it here, for the reveal and here for all the down and dirty tutorial. That was one major project, but I’m SO glad I tackled it. I enjoy it every single day as I come downstairs to my office nook.
Have a great weekend and I’ll see you back here for Thrifty Treasures Sunday evening!
Who doesn’t love Lowes!
I would love to be a winner, know what I would purchase as
I type – although I am not sure of the technical name.
That decorative piece that adheres to the ceiling around
a light fixture -usually a chandelier – looks very classy.
Here’s hoping 🙂 love you , p