Being single again, I have loved gathering up new and old friends in my life and it seems that since I moved back to Georgia, my friendship factor has exploded. I have some wonderful women in my life, single and married. This past weekend, some blog friends and I headed up the the North Carolina mountains for a little weekend get-away of hitting the Cashiers Showhouse and the antiques stores in Asheville that I’ve shared before, Screen Door and Tobacco Barn. It’s always a fun visit to Angela’s cottage (if you haven’t seen my post on it, click over, worth it, this cottage was featured in Cottages and Bungalows last year) and I never get too much of that sweet place. We visited the showhouse last year too with a mostly different group. Angela was out of the country this time and couldn’t make it, but she let us use the cottage for the weekend.
Morning view at the cottage, isn’t that the best? Never get tired of seeing this view of the mountains in NC.
Here’s our crew: (L to R) Edie, Lisa, Lori, Sherry and me)
We headed to Cashiers on Saturday morning and wanted to be sure to get there early enough to avoid the crowds. This was opening weekend. The house sat up on a mountain bluff and had some fantastic views. This house was about 10,000 s.f. of rustic beauty and definitely worth millions. Way out of my league, but it was fun to see all the rooms decorated to the hilt by many different designers. We weren’t allowed to take pics inside, so I made do with some outside shots, which were also outstanding. These ladies were all so fun to hang out with for a couple of days.
The exterior is pretty impressive. Unfortunately they don’t allow pics inside, although I did sneak one or two. But, suffice it to say, that is is gorgeous inside as well.
The pond in the front landscaped area was just beautiful as well.
Sit a spell in these rustic tree trunk chairs.
These hydrangeas were just breathtaking. I’m not sure what variety these are, but wow, were they stunning.
Phoebe Howard was there signing books that day and Lisa got one autographed.
Here’s one small shot inside, just a corner of a room.
From the back porch, this was the view. I know, couldn’t you get used to this??
We left the showhouse and headed over to Asheville and Tupelo Honey for lunch. They bring out these buttery biscuits and blueberry jam for starters. We were famished and just about devoured them.
Then it was time for a little antiquing and browsing again at the Tobacco Barn. This place is chock full of goodies and you have to dig through rows and rows of stuff. All the girls bought something. I’m still on self-imposed non-spending on décor items until I get in the house. If you saw my storage house, you would understand why. It was fun to look though!
Lots of goodies everywhere you looked.
Edie and I bought liked these candle thingies, would look great on a back porch.
Edie lives on a lake in TN and found herself an oar. Love that it matched her outfit. Have you seen her house? I’ve featured her before on Feature Friday and it’s SO gorgeous. Edie is precious and I enjoyed getting to know her better.
Lori found a nice big box of books.
Lots of furniture everywhere.
Edie and I.
Loved the color on this old door. Doesn’t it look like my kitchen and office color? Yep, that’s why!
We then headed to nearby Screen Door and this pair of chairs caught my eye right in the front door.
The Screen Door is always fun, lots of eye candy everywhere.
Pretty blue sofa.
So, that was our fun girl’s weekend in NC. I hope you enjoyed tagging along with us as we ate, relaxed, toured and shopped. I love taking you all along too!
Sweet girl! It looks like you girls had a blast. I surely did miss y’all!!!! Where there is a will there is a way, I tell ya! Until we meet again, fun girl!!!!!!!!!!
{p.s. great post!}
It certainly is terrific to enjoy the things you love to do, like touring gorgeous show homes and antique shops with wonderful friends..Makes it so much better!…So glad you had a wonderful time…the view is amazing!
This is so funny Rhoda b/c I remember last year at this time (we just had our blog bday this week) reading about your NC trip and I had no clue who any of you were and now I read this and I know most of you! ha. I love how blogging has given me a new group of friends 🙂 Looks like you guys had a great time and seriously, that place is amazing. You have the coolest places down there!
Looks like y’all had a great time! I know the house was fabulous! I’m heading to Cashiers today myself, with hubby, for a friend’s son’s wedding at the High Hampton Inn. The weather is beautiful!
Hey Sweetie! How did I miss this?? So much fun to relive the great weekend through your reportage. I am loving your blog! Talented lady you are, indeed. It was great seeing you yesterday. Hope it’s not too long till we meet again. Go easy on that daddy of yours in the meantime.. 😉
xo lisa
Sounds like you had a great time in the mountains. When in Asheville again stop by The Pink House. We have been open almost 4 years. We have vintage items for your home. We repurpose and upcycle old furniture and always have new things coming into the shop. Check us out on Facebook, The Pink House, located in Asheville, NC…, come see us soon!